April Update Bugs and OP machines

When the April update went live I noticed the changes right away. I noticed how the bugs that were “fixed” seemed to still be there on Xbox. The exp kvm lighting does not match up when sprinting. Also I enjoy the ideas for the new update but hate the execution. Machines hit almost every shot and one sniper hunter can almost one shot you from across the airfield. Also apocalypse runners hit boxes seem to messed up to where I spray them and they take no damage at all. Then I spray them again and the bullets that miss seem to hit.

Edit: After a few hours of gameplay I’ve come to like the high octane gameplay with the machines and it was just my play style that needed work. I have come to realize the strategy is just keep moving and disregard reacting to very quick rocket barrages. Anyway I’ve come to enjoy the new update and with wait for the hot fix for certain aspects. Good Job Devs!