Are the new experimentals harder to get?

I see…ok thanks man.

Aftet destroy a lot of others rivals I got a Exp. AI76 from a level 4 apoc tank. Too much recoil, but looks fun to use.

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Change the ammo type. There is very little recoil using .27 for instance.

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Got another exp. AI76 after a base assault.

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Last night was VERY disappointing after about 6 level 4 rivals and one vulture. I was getting nothing but 1* or 2* weapons off the rivals if that even. Vulture gave me yet another Exp. 12ga Pump. :poop: I would like to get all the weapons at some point even though I probably wont use the hammer. The Exp. Muesser maybe…I have over 6000 ultra-capacitors for that in inventory. All in all I always go back to my most trusted loadout…the Exp. PVG 90 w/ AP ammo for sniping and armor removal, the 5* rocket launcher for EMP’s mainly but will burn off some excess rockets too…the Exp. HP5 for the little jumpy bastards…the RPG w/ EMP augment and my favorite of all the PM-71 with EMP augment. The latter is especially good for the groups of hunters…do a sweep of them to shut them down then go back over them for the kills.

I think I’m gonna go back to Ghost Recon for awhile. Still have the deployables and companion vaporizing when tossing them out. Pay money to get the stuff and cant use it. Could’ve really used the turrets last night with the vulture. I haven’t even got to use them yet. I used one MG turret when I first got the pack to try it out then the update shut them down. Should’ve been named the SHUTDOWN update. Never had this problem with any other game.

Dont get me wrong…I do like the game but very disappointed lately. Rant over. :confounded:

Destroyed my first Rival after the winter-event ended (L4 Fnix Harvester) and guess what… an Exp HP5… :flushed: :+1:

Coincidence ?

Edit: Coincidence I guess… :confused: Killed three more L4 Rivals and nothing… :man_shrugging: :roll_eyes:

Started today first time since the event is over.
First baseassault (lvl1): exp pvg
First rival: a skin I didn’t have yet
Further rivals gave me an exp HP5 and an exp sjöqvist again. Still waiting for exp AI 76.

So I picked up all my courage and went to my base at Torsberga. Just west of it, at Hällabacken Farm and Prison there were 3 rivals… And the vulture.

Along with them there were lots of Hunters, runners and three more harvesters. They all were fighting the vulture and the vulture fought back.
I shot the vulture from distance with my exp pvg… It didn’t even notice me. With its waves came Lynx and turrets, so more fodder for the FNIX machines.

It was an epic fight… And easy fight, as almost none of the machines took care of me. They just shot each other, so I downed a rival, then the vulture and then the rest of the party.

And the vulture finally gave me the exp AI-76.

So I’d say: a succesful evening.


Dang all three in one day, not too bad at all

It’s a good weapon for shooting birds in the sky. Always look for the fuel tank or one of the turbines, one at a time. And remember to shoot at the yellow light.

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I don’t know if I really like it.
Yes, it can be powerful, but for me it’s sometimes hard to get the perfect timing for aiming at a weakpoint and releasing the trigger in the right moment.

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Honestly it feels like the game needs another last update

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At least we’ll get a january hotfix.
Sadly the exp AI-76 doesn’t help to get all kinds useable ammo for it.

After a severe decimation of the Rivals on my map I got a third (…:roll_eyes:…) Exp HP5 today and finally a Exp AI-76 from a L4 APOC Tank Rival… :+1:

Nice gun, I like it. Especially with .270 and .50… :grin: But imo 7.62 is also a good choice because of mag size and much lower recoil.

Edit: but now I miss a scope + vision module… That would be really nice, even a 1-4x would do… :sob:

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yea, one time i accidentally got like 120 lgv-7 s weighing me down

Yeah, had that too. A simple firebird that gave me about 140 LG7V.

I’m still trying it out. I’m totally disappointed, that you don’t get the ammo that you currently use with it. That should be a must.

.270 is really cool. .50 is ok in close combat, because of the extreme recoil. 7.62 is quite good, feels more powerful than any other gun with 7.62 without any augmentation.

9mm is fun, too… Because of the 60 rounds per magazine.

Didn’t try other calibers yet.


Only made some tests with 7.62 but preferred 9x39 as standard and switching to .270 when it gets serious.

But with one problem, already carry the experimental hunting rifle which I also use and think is one of the funnest exp. weapons, to get more .270. Especially when you start to get the feeling of lobbing the “artillery shots” at long distances where it is most effective.
There are e.g. no weapon that can take out so many Runners in a pack with one shot. Convinced it takes less shots from that rifle than any of the grenade launchers to knock out the bigger machines too, so test it properly before you judge it.

But… So I don’t carry around an AT-WAD for more 9x39 which resulted in it running out soon.
And that has just made me think and switch to 7.62 as that caliber seems to be basic ammo except for the 9mm pistol ammo, that you also always find regardless of where you are and what kind of weapon you carry. There also seem to be like a third or even a fourth(?) basic caliber depending on the region of the map you visit, but the 7.62 always appears in decent quantities even if you don’t have a weapon in the pack.

About not getting just that caliber you have loaded don’t bother me, it will be too easy then. It’s more annoying that you always get such huge amounts of grenade launcher ammo as soon as you pick up any of the grenade launchers. Which also means that you get less of e.g. your .270 in the loot.

Sorry! As a Swede, when someone says “hunting rifle”, I automatically think “Älgstudsare”. Is sort of the first “hunting rifle” you get after getting a license for firearms and hunting. It’s the Exp. “Älgstudsare” I mean above.

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I never get 9mm handgun ammo.

What? It’s all over for me, maybe a little less at the beginning of the archipelago region, but then it’s everywhere. And I hate it! :joy:

Odd… for me it’s like @Madchaser said, no 9mm Luger except I have equipped my Exp Klauke… :man_shrugging:

But it seems I’m booked on 7.62 FMJ and .50 AP. :thinking: I never get those the other way round… :roll_eyes: Aaaaand of course loooooots of ammo for the RPG7 and the Carl Gustav… :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Strange… I’m getting enough and even more of .50-cal when I pack the rifle, but not the ridiculously numbers as grenade launcher ammo.

And to twist it up a another notch. Packed the .44 Magnus and Exp. Klaucke for the daily mission (without any ammo). That I did as last of the 3, and collected all 9mm FMJ Pistol rounds for less then 1½ hour in Farmlands. Both getting it as “basic” ammo and packing the Klaucke gave me over 11.000 rounds before I even did the base assult! :rofl:
Finding heaps with 180-200 rounds both in regular loot and then on the machines I destroy. Without the Klaucke I think it’s never above 40-ish something rounds and certainly not as closely between the finds.

Also, I didn’t get more then about 1/5 of the ammount of .44 ammo.