Are the new experimentals harder to get?

Knowing we’re getting a hot fix, when is it specifically?

We don’t know yet.
Wait for the announcement on X, discord and the forums.

I seem to end up with a sheetload of 9mm handgun after I’ve picked up a Volkov pistol for some reason.

Best ammo for the AI-76 is the .270 imo…even better than the .44 or .50 cal.

I take back what I said about the Exp Sjöqvist. Its a little better than the Exp. Pump and a great Harvester killer from behind. Anything else seems to take a lot to take them down tho. I just dont use shotties much except for playing around with them. Your mileage may vary. :wink:

After more than a hundred of rivals and dozens of each experimental weapons - except HP5 - I’m pretty sure that either RNJesus doesn’t love me, or there’s a bug

RNJesus just can’t be everywhere at the same time.
Just be patient. Do something unusual.
Switch regions, take a break. And then come back.

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There is some kind of formula behind it. What type of machine, class including rival and probably also location.
Started looking into it very closely because I could never find a 5C MGR-6, just heaps of 1C-4C.
Found that if I went to far North I wouldn’t get any more nade launchers from the machines that drop the 1C to 4C, same for going to far East or West. Then finaly I cracked it and got several 5C MGR-6.

The problem now is that we have new weapons again and it’s Experimentals or a.k.a 6C that adds a extra level of difficulty on everything and also the possibility to get one in base defence or assault. And it’s also a bit broken right now, got my only Exp.HP5 doing a lvl2 base assult where the Kundsam warehouse is. The lvl3 assult gives almost only resources.

I gave up trying to find the exp Al, so today I finally just payed somebody 700 uranium and an experimental hammer for it lol. I do like the gun though, it’s honestly very fun to use

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Glad to see you finally got one of them anyway. :+1: 700 uranium…I dont think I’ve collected that many in the two years I’ve been playing. Only have about 300 atm…but I dont do many base assaults/defenses.

Saazm has it right on the money as far as the go to ammo for the Exp. AI-76.

And I’m back to 9x39 from the 7.62!
I know, have to work to loot 9x39 or carry the AT-WAD, or I just craft it.

Reason for going back is DPS (damage per second). Noticed that rate of fire with 7.62 seems a bit slow and taking out a gang of Hunter required more work than the 9x39. Good placed bullets and 2 or even 2½ Hunter is down before reload with 9x39. 7.62… you have to be faster on your feet and get to wear down your Hunters. Same with Firebirds, prefeer .270 for those ugly crows but 9x39 works too.
7.62, you better have your stims with you.


I’m also thinking about going back to my augmented pm71 for 7.62. The reload time and magazine size kills many advantages of the exp AI 76.

For .270 instead it’s my favourite weapon now… If I just wouldn’t be forced to carry an Älgstudsare for getting the ammo from loot…


Yea so far that’s my favorite kind of ammo for it, there’s almost no recoil and has great damage. If you have a gold extended mag it holds 60 rounds too. I’ve been having a bit of fun with the 50 cal too :joy:

The pm is hard to beat, I have a magazine size of 495 on mine, with acidic rounds, it honestly is one of my favorite guns

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50 cal loadout is awesome. Get up close behind and it is all over very quickly.

Bring the Exprimental one! It’s awsome on long distance when you learn to aim with hipfire.

Yes, I bring the experimental… Used it the last days from time to time, but I don’t get warm with it.
Although aiming is catastrophal, I’m used to use it to hit my targets. Can’t explain it… it’s just a feeling. But regarding the damage I prefer other weapons.

I get you, it take some time to know that rifle.
But also, the longer the distance, the more damage.
So shooting from the hip is a must because the iron sight is so meeeh.

I agree 100%. Also like you mentioned before I think the 9x39 in the Exp.76 shoots like a laser beam…almost zero recoil and devastating. Then switch to .270 for the big boys. The .243 is also barely a half a step behind the .270 too.

How is a mag size of 495 possible? Mods?

Maybe golden mega-mag augmentation?
I don’t know… Still don’t have it unlocked, I guess…

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Oh yeah…I forgot about that…thanks.

Wont do me any good since I have no refined anything yet. As long as I can get the EMP augment on my weapons I’m good.