Are you actually going to fix this game?

This game is very fun, when it works, about 10% of the time. Having read online that it wasn’t polished isn’t really a fair comment, to polish something it normally must be finished. In the three night of playing this game we (my friend and I) have encountered sound bugs, physics issues, missions bugs, floating rocks, bots that auto aim on you when you have respawned and walked back outside despite being well out of agro range (they were still agro’d on my mate and as host that meant me too apparently), missing items, AI spawning under in the walls or under the floors and at one point we found a hole in the map next to a bunker door where we could see the bunkers corridors. These are bugs I have found in 3 nights of gaming, did it get tested at all? and by whom?.. there are many game mechanics which leave a lot to be desired as well but that is not really the issue, creative choices are one thing but these are actual issues with the mechanics you have released calling it a finished product. So being that you think it is ok to release DLC with the game in this condition such a long time after release, I am honestly wondering if you have any intention of fixing these bugs?

Reputation for this studio is going down hill fast, I would be ashamed to put my name to this in the state its in and I hope you arn’t proud of the finished product because I know a few Swedish people and they have much higher standards in their work thank god. Honestly with these bugs gone this could be one of the most fun experiences with a nice fresh idea, the actual setting really does capture the 80’s and the beauty of the country, the AI for the most part is very good and extremely challenging sometimes but it is all thrown to the side because of the countless bugs. I am very sad as this truly could have been an amazing game, it has SO much potential, I love coop games and very few work as well as this, when it works. Please don’t see this as a rant, it isn’t, I love the game and could have sold about 10 copies of it to friends so they could play with us, but I won’t, not in this state. I want to so badly but what would be the point when hardly anything works properly in multiplayer and doing so would damage my credibility. Please fix it, they aren’t hard bugs to fix (especially the floating rocks and the gaps in terrain) having a background in CAD and 3D modeling I know these things are just carelessness and that is what is the most damaging. Also you might want to update these forums so the top thread isn’t a beta code giveaway from over a year ago, it also looks bad if you don’t clean up your forums. What has happened to this industry?

This isn’t going to go well.

Edit: to answer your last question, the industry as a whole caters to gamers. The ‘golden days’ of gaming are long in the rear view mirror.

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All games released have bugs, it has always been and will always be the way of life, having background CAD and 3D modelling experience is nothing to do with floating rocks ect apart from whats used to make the model but not implicate it into the source. had my fair share of bugs but nothing like you seem to be having

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lol? :slight_smile:⁣⁣⁣

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No, it is finishing the game under time pressure. It’s not great, but obviously not carelessness.

This game is very fun, when it works, about 10% of the time.

If you’re having issues, try the Bug Reports forum.

Having read online that it wasn’t polished isn’t really a fair comment, to polish something it normally must be finished.

I can guarantee you that 99% of all major league games released ever have had bugs of some kind. The studio working on this game is very small compared to AAA studio’s working on games on the market with the same (or worse) issues.

In the three night of playing this game we (my friend and I) have encountered sound bugs, physics issues, missions bugs, floating rocks, bots that auto aim on you when you have respawned and walked back outside despite being well out of agro range (they were still agro’d on my mate and as host that meant me too apparently), missing items, AI spawning under in the walls or under the floors and at one point we found a hole in the map next to a bunker door where we could see the bunkers corridors. These are bugs I have found in 3 nights of gaming, did it get tested at all? and by whom?..

Again, report any bugs you might find in Bug Reports. They will get looked at, given time. The devs are a small but devoted team so they have to prioritise, but tons of things have gotten fixed since launch.

there are many game mechanics which leave a lot to be desired as well but that is not really the issue, creative choices are one thing but these are actual issues with the mechanics you have released calling it a finished product.

Which mechanics are these? People have given ample feedback on game mechanics thus far, and many improvements and gameplay elements have been implemented on behalf of the community. If there’s something you think can be improved further, then say so.

So being that you think it is ok to release DLC with the game in this condition such a long time after release, I am honestly wondering if you have any intention of fixing these bugs?

Which bugs? Again, there’s a whole forum section for this kind of thing and this is not it.

Reputation for this studio is going down hill fast,

Unless you can back that up, be careful throwing that around so carelessly.

I would be ashamed to put my name to this in the state its in and I hope you arn’t proud of the finished product because I know a few Swedish people and they have much higher standards in their work thank god.

I’m swedish and I’m rather ashamed of how ignorant your post is.

Honestly with these bugs gone this could be one of the most fun experiences with a nice fresh idea, the actual setting really does capture the 80’s and the beauty of the country, the AI for the most part is very good and extremely challenging sometimes but it is all thrown to the side because of the countless bugs.

Again, Bug Reports forum is the way to go.

I am very sad as this truly could have been an amazing game, it has SO much potential, I love coop games and very few work as well as this, when it works.

This is an amazing game, considering what’s been done with so little resources and such a small developer. It’s entirely your opinion to think otherwise, of course.

Please don’t see this as a rant, it isn’t, I love the game and could have sold about 10 copies of it to friends so they could play with us, but I won’t, not in this state.

It’s a rant, if a cleverly disguised one.

I want to so badly but what would be the point when hardly anything works properly in multiplayer and doing so would damage my credibility.

Attempting guilt-tripping just for the sake of your own ego is entirely, completely and utterly pointless.

Please fix it, they aren’t hard bugs to fix (especially the floating rocks and the gaps in terrain) having a background in CAD and 3D modeling I know these things are just carelessness and that is what is the most damaging.

First of all, what do you think’s been going in since launch, with every monthly update? The game is constantly being improved upon, especially thanks to the community. There are a few hickups sure, but they do get evened out eventually.

Secondly, you having experience in CAD and 3D-modelling means nothing. It’s your word against the developers. Don’t use that as an excuse to claim you know better, it really gets you nowhere.

Also you might want to update these forums so the top thread isn’t a beta code giveaway from over a year ago, it also looks bad if you don’t clean up your forums.

Funny, I don’t have that issue. That being said, the forum software does need updating. I’ll look into it.

What has happened to this industry?

A lot of things. Some good, some bad. It’s a question big enough to warrant it’s own thread. Preferrably on a different forum altogether. Reddit, perhaps.


It’s probably a sticky.

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