Assignment 3 September

Destroy 10 cars I must have destroyed 30 and only 4 recorded forest region from safe house Kyrkhojden and south region Knarrebo Generators destroyed 3 car there only one recorded. Same region Destroy 3 FNIX outpost power Generators only one recorded.
This was the same last assignment to Destroy cars again must have destroyed over 30 in two areas none recorded gave up.

One thing to notice:
It must be you who destroys the cars.
If an exploding car destroys another car it might not count.

At least it was that way in the past.

Which weapon did you use?

sorry, I have used small power cells and gas cans before and it worked ok to destroy the cars and it was recorded I did not have enough cells and used the sub machine gun which is what I used to set off the cells, as for the power points I used the 50 Cal sniper gun and destroyed them and it was recorded, I used this gun before and again was recorded. this has happened twice now in the last two assignments

I put these assignments aside long ago. Nothing to be aquired. Also other missions. Gave up…

I always use the experimental shotgun with birdshot ammo for cars. In most cases one-shot-destructions.