Assignments - Lets talk about it

…or someone has broken it again.

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thats dumb, its a cooperative game not a competative one and even then there are a very significant amount of players that don’t play coop or can’t due to networking.
Assigments are already a pain due to how buggy they are and needing to do nearly every task in a given week for the only pack worth anything which is one of those live service gaming sins that i think noone wants to see expanded in this game.

He didn’t write anything about coop.
With community assignments he means all of us who play GZ.

Imagine an assignment where, should you choose to accept, all the kills are counted together.

“Weekly community assignment:
Destroy 1.000 Hunters”

You would see a global counter and if the community is succesful, all participants get a reward.

And of course there could also be for example 3 levels of them.

  1. 1.000 Hunters
  2. 5.000 Hunters
  3. 10.000 Hunters

Maybe the number of resistance points rewarded by this could be higher, as additional chance to get a higher reward at the end of the week by community efford.

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Two games that did this with great success I can think of right now are Dying Light 1+2 which regularly even offers free DLC as an event reward and Elite Dangerous, where it is woven into the story and players are actually getting changes in the universe as a result, as there are sometimes rivaling goals even. We don’t need to go this far, but looking at the assignments there surely seem to be tracking tools to set up something like this, I don’t know if the GZ live team has online and server programmers, though. Depending of integration this can be hard to implement.