Attachments - magazines


Just got the idea…
What if for some weapons there could be different types of magazine attachments?

We currently just have the extended mags.

There could be magazine attachments that enable us to use our prefered weapons with a different type of ammo.

Like a 5.56 magazine for an AG4 or a 9mm magazine for the AG5. No matter if it would work like that in real life… But it would enable us just to switch the attachment to use other calibers of ammo.
There could even be a .50 magazine for the älgstudsare, for example.

Just a quick Idea that could be worked out a bit.

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What is the purpose of that?
You just cant use a 50 cal in a 9m weapon, or a 9m bullet with a 50 cal weapon.

Why complicate?

We could also ask for a weapon that shoots garbage , like that one from FALLOUT 3 Rock-It Launcher | Fallout Wiki | Fandom

Again, makes no sense in GZ settings.

Yes, I totally agree.
But for some combinations it could theoretically make sense. There are guns that can be used with different chambers, ammo and magazines.

So maybe it’s wrong to see it as a magazine attachment, but for some weapons and ammo there could be useful combinations.

  1. If you attach this, you are not able to attach an extended magazine.
  2. So while using it you will have less bullets in the magazine, but you can use an other calibers if you’re low on the original ammo.
  3. Additionally you could use experimental ammo which wasn’t available for this gun before.

Attach a modded 9mm magazine (and chamber) to a kvm89. Now you can fire explosive rounds, without carrying an additional gun.

Of course, there shouldn’t be a version for every gun and every caliber, but even with a few combinations the game would offer some interesting new options.

Like I said before, it’s just a quick Idea which sounded interesting to me.

Im not trying to argue, but it makes absolute no sense in most fictional realities.
Even in post apocalypse games/movies/books we can find ammo for the weapons.
It would make sense if its 100 years in the post apocalypse future and for some reason there are not even a few industrial settlements and we have frankenstein weapons that are able to use different ammo types due to lack of ammo in general and lack of human organizations and factions (complete chaos, no tech)

I believe you put this in the wrong way, asking for different ammo calibers.

If it was experimental magazines with special ammo instead of normal ammo in different weapons, it would make more sense but then the schematics for experimental ammo have no purpose.

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You may be right.

Do you have an other idea for different attachments for the magazine slot?

Pardon my French, but we need story and not frigging weapon mods and/or fashionable flashy colours for anything that don’t make any diff. I have two favourite machineguns and they get me through any situation, even if it takes some time/work/strategy. You need to make choices, just like IRL. Do you want it to be realistic and have some game immersion or do you want uber weapons so you can run through the game with your eyes closed ? Machine gunners get out of ammo. Period. Prepare and tackle it. And stop whining.

Who are you talking to?
I don’t have any problem playing the game as it is for three and a half year now.
It’s just an idea for an addition.

That’s how we always did it here.
We make a suggestion and discuss it sensible.

Because the slot for magazine attachments currently just is used by maximum a single item per weapons, I thought there could be more different options.

More options could also be drum magazines for certain weapons, for example for a shotgun. It could add a full auto mode for the shotgun while recoil would be increased at the same time.

But I see, some don’t seem to like to invest thoughts into how parts of the game could be improved/changed.


We already have augmentations and there are special ammo types that unfortunately require uranium.

Honestly different attachments would be better but you asked about magazines and i cant think about anything else besides drum magazines for some of the rifles and shotguns, but considering the devs made augmentations that gives just a little bit of bigger magazines at the insane cost of super recoils, i dont see this ever being brought in.