Augments and multiplayer

The first thing I’m going to report for augments is I use the augment that allows you to punch through walls that does reduce damage and every time I use it on any gun especially a shotgun with birdshot my game will be the lag or immediately crash and I’m using the newer generation Xbox also, and a few other augments like acidic and another one I forgot the name of whenever use also a lag my game out.

As for multiplayer I was playing one day with my friend pika and his game crashed and it won’t let him rejoin the game at all, and then two days later me and my friend fire were playing and we were fighting both the reaper and the vulture together and his stuff started lagging hard and he ended up leaving the game and went to rejoin and he could not rejoin just like pika, we tried for the next 3 days to get pica and him in and it’s still will not let them in we tried loading up another one of my worlds tried loading up on their worlds and we cannot get in to their games or my game except for me and my other friend zkx. P.s. me fire and pica also uninstalled our games and reinstalled and still wouldn’t let us play together

I would have reported this sooner but I didn’t have my phone charged at the time and I couldn’t find where to report this until now.