Base Assault Update - Patch Notes

You need command tokens for that.
You get them by destroying Fnix bases.
But there are some bugs.
I got 10 tokens yesterday after destroying a FNIX base, but i cant do more defense base missions no matter how is the region level.

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Oh I figured something was missing, thanks anyhow pity about the bugs, we know this is normal in Gen Z :joy::+1:


I see no version numbers for crossplay help any update?

Did anyone else experience that?

Yesterday I did a base assault (solo) on a lvl 1 base (just because it was in my way to the north).
There were some sniper hunters who killed me twice in a few seconds, so I spent my two adrenalines (again all my safehouses were gone).
After that I placed a field radio to get there as quick as possible if I get shot again.

And then it happened: A horde of runners took me down in melee chain attack. I respawned at my homebase and fast traveled to the field radio, but suddenly the base upgraded to lvl 2 and directly to lvl 3. Suddenly there were lots of turrets and hordes of machines. That was so shocking.

It has been the first time for me that a base upgraded while it was under attack by me.

Yes, this is what happens when you are actively getting region score by destroying the machines in the base assault.

I have experienced that during a base assault, the game suddenly thinks that I’m out of battle, decides to spawn another base, and by the end of the first assault ended, fully upgraded the newly spawned base to lvl 4.

Most annoying!

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I never knew about these FNIX landmines…

And I can hack their doors too…

kewl :sunglasses:


This thing with the mines was fixed in new dawn.
They have been there before, but often too deep in the ground that you couldn’t see or destroy them.

Hacking of the doors is really cool. I just asked for this feature as part of the hacking skills, but didn’t know that they already realized this (maybe even since base assault update).

Does your character have hacking skills? Which one(s) ?

Huh. That definitely makes Hacking a more useful skill, like many have requested :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have the ability to temporarily hack robots, and whatever the prerequsites are for that.

I love that I can hack their doors, it is so easier than blowing through the wall. Not as fun tho :sunglasses:

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This is useful I didn’t know this one of my characters had this skill :+1::+1::+1:

I find it amusing that my character, a pleb who hasn’t even graduated high school yet, can outsmart an AI and hack its systems.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: New Dawn Update - Patch Notes