Base Collapsing (By shooting above structures)

I didn’t start a defence mission since the update.
Rebuilt my base yesterday because of the stuff, shot on some objects woth HP5, KVM89 and handgrenades, but nothing happend. Will see what happens in a real battle.

Before my first mission since I built the new base after landfall I again tried every weapon in every situation.

If I stand on almost any object and shoot somewhere the object gets damage… With every weapon except my exp pvg and my 5c magnus.

If I stand just close to objects but not on them, there is no problem.

But: that has to be fixed

Have you seen this? Generation Zero Crumbling walls caused by shell casings - YouTube

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That’s indisputable proof,

Platform: PC

Description: When i fire my guns while on top of stuctures, like walls, sniper towers and sandbag shooting positions, it takes damage and gets destroyed very quickly.

Steps To Reproduce: get on top of a stucture and shoot your guns. The stucture will then take damage.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: I was hosting a multiplayer game

Players in your game: One person, my little brother

CPU: i5-9600k
GPU: GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
Running on Windows 10 Pro

This is a known issue. I’ve merged this with the main report covering it.


Building structures and truck take damage if you’re shooting while in/on/near them. I have a link to my Xbox game clip where the hunting outpost gets destroyed in seconds when I’m shooting from it, on Reddit someone mentioned that the bullet casings do the damage but as you will see in my clip, the casings eject to the right and the wall to my left gets destroyed along with the hunting outpost.

Every structure that you can build, turrets, grenade pillbox, sandbag, crafting tables, everything, they all take damage when you shoot in/on/near them.

Here is the link to my game clip on Xbox:

Please do a search before posting, this is a well-reported issue. Merging to main thread.


Platform: PC - Win 10 - Steam

Description: Sorry to wake this topic up after the mentioned issue above was fixed but I’ve noticed a new issue where base structures take damage from friendly fire. If shock ammo arcs attached to a structure are triggered they deal damage to the structure causing it to collapse.

Steps To Reproduce: Place structure, shoot shock ammo at structure and ground, run through shock ammo arcs, watch structure break.

** Host/Client:** Client

** Other players in game:** James DeRanko (host)

Specifications: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v3 @ 3.50GHz, Windows 10 Pro 21H1, GeForce GTX 1060, 32Gb RAM.