Base defence: enemies lurking around the area join the party

I started a new easy base defence and immediately got swarmed by apocalypse hunters among others. Lost 100 uranium in a furnace. Destroyed all enemies and retried the base defence with another 100 tungsten only to lose it again in the same fashion. Apparantly there was a harvester somewhere nearby, but I couldn’t find it and after failing the misson some enemies despawned while others kept attacking the truck as if the base defence was still active.

Is this a bug or was it always like this? I never played base defences before (and probably never will again unless they fix crafting back) so not sure if clearing the 500m radius area around the base is prerequisite to start the defence.

No, it’s since showdown update like this.
They will fix some things with a hotfix in january.

base defense repairs are always free :slightly_smiling_face: even if your not in a base defense mission, if enemys are lurking around and damage base or if you damage your base, :slightly_smiling_face: even traps & red oil cans when shoot :slightly_smiling_face: just hit that repair button :partying_face: anytime free

Except the materials you put into furnace - once destroyed they are lost

Did the Medium base defence mission yesterday and got one of the drills destroyd, so stupid you can’t repair them individual as other building elements during the defence, and there is no waves of attackers with time to repair between either btw. But after the defence mission was done and I repaired from command center, the destroyd drill had it’s resources waiting there anyway?? It was destroyd before mission was complete.

Then the neighborhood started to attack also, as always!
Not only those closest to your base but also the cousins ​​and siblings from the next county.
Most of the times it’s only Runners and Hunters but occasionally a Harvester or Tank want to join the after party too. It’s almost like a second base defence direct after when it happens.

did you look on the ground after the furnace was destroyed, the things that crafted before furnace was destroyed will be laying on the ground, & things that were crafted before

does the stuff not go back into the recycling station, the stuff inside

When I started playing yesterday I spawned at my Guldängen outpost…

And directly was in combat. :flushed:

3 firebirds, about 30 runners, 20 Lynx and 10 Hunters attacked my base. Just for fun.

That was a start!

Nope. Tested this again with aluminium. Once furnace is destroyed the materials inside are gone

What happened then machines from both sides join your little skirmish?
Did the new mechanic that should make machines to prefer fights with other machines over players work, or did they all went after you and your base?

They all approached my base. At least it seemed like that. Maybe the firebirds also shot on FNIX machines… There was too much chaos to sort this out.

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