I find it difficult to complete the defense of the base, what is the reason? It just doesn’t end, because machines keep respawning.
Is this supposed to be the case? Keep in mind that the time counter ends, I get my resources but the combat doesn’t end because machines keep respawning, it’s not the worst, the point counter becomes totally invisible.
Well. What’s the problem?
I like it somehow. It’s not just over when it’s over.
Either you keep on fighting them or you go somewhere else. For your base it doesn’t matter. You can always repair/rebuild it for free.
It seems easy, but the combat never seems to end. After completing the base defense, the game keeps generating more waves of machines. I’ve noticed that it has this problem when there is at least one machine far from the base but trying to attack, trapped somewhere on the map. It ends up being annoying because it doesn’t let you end or avoid the combat.
Idk. Maybe it’s unintended. That the mission ends, you get the reward at the drill/furnace/… , the repair button gets unlocked, but the - I’d call it beacon effect - that nearby machines are guided to your base, doesn’t stop as long as you’re at the base. Sometimes it’s quite heavy, sometimes just a few runners.
At my Älgbacken base there once came about 30 apoc hunters after the base defense. That wasn’t that funny over time. But I went north, killed an apoc harvester and moved on.
Out of view, out of mind.