Base quick repair

Repairing the base after assault feels more like work than fun. An option to repair all standing structures form the “resistance command center” after the assault would be timesaving without breaking the game. You would ofc need all the resources to perform this option to make it happend.

This idea isn’t totally new.

What if you don’t have the ressources? Would the option be disabled? Should it be enabled during a base defense mission, between the waves or just if you’re currently not playing a mission (after you finished one)?

Can’t you rebuild during the wave breaks? Save the looting to the end. If you repair as you go, you also know what to loot as you get low on resources.

With a repair all key, if you had limited resources for repairs, would the defensive weapons be repaired first or walls, gates, signs, lights? Would need another key to make that choice or risk a nice-looking base with no defense capacity.

You dont repair 100+ structures with small dents

Then how would you decide what gets repaired by pressing a single key?

Then are you saying that building the base is also more like work than fun?

It was more fun before the base building/defense was tossed into the game with no option to not have them. Have to stop normal game play to destroy them and the only reward is one of the few sources of uranium.

Back when it was just the resistance base you did not have to visit the base or do base defenses. Now you are forced to go to the bases or risk the bases glitching the game/map. I destroy the bases as soon as they pop up, no option to leave them alone or they keep coming. I did NOT buy Gen Zero for the base building/defense. It did not have it when I bought my copy.

Either, if you have enough ressources, it repairs all, or the option is disabled.
Better would be to have a whitelist where you can add structures or categories of structures to be repaired by pressing the button (If you have enough ressources) or even to be able to sort them by priority and no matter if you have enough ressources for all structures, the list would be applied as long as the ressources are enough.

I agree with you, but here we are.
I still would like to have it as optional part of the game, a side mission which starts all related to base building, with a warning that doing this mission will add control points for resistance or enemy bases.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have a setting where the base doesn’t take any damage so players don’t have to repair/rebuild anything. I thought the point of base defense is to build a base and defend it so it doesn’t take to much damage. And so doesn’t take to much time to repair it. Then you move on to the next control point and build a new base to defend and so on.

Also, when does the button become active, press anytime (base never really takes much damage as long as you have the resources), only press at the end of each wave or at the end of the last wave?

When I did base defense, if my base took heavy damage where it took to much time to repair, I would rebuild a better defensive base. Though the point of base defense was defending the base and if you suck at it you waste resources and time repairing or rebuild better?

Maybe if you need an instant repair button you should also change the difficulty?

I know what you mean.
I rebuilt my first homebase quite some times to make it work better. Of course on hard modes it took much damage and I had to repair much, but the bases became more effective in saving the Center.

That’s the important part.

It’s not the base itself which shouldn’t get damaged, which is almost impossible, it’s the center.

And don’t forget that the initial base defense missions where quite easy because they were predictable and had a lot of less machines than it is now. After some times you knew which machines and how many of which type came from which direction.

This became more unpredictable after the rework of the defense missions.

And of course it’s a difference whether you play alone or as a team.