Beautiful Hike Routes

No route 66? Wondering

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Signs of the Resistance

Route 26: Signs of the Resistance - Click here

In this route, I travelled around the map taking pictures of locations with a blue Resistance logo.
Not sure if I have them all here, so if you know one that I missed, please let me know.

Let's start with Resistance Signs on stones

This stone is one of two we find in Forest Region, that alerts us that there is something to be found nearby. Originally there were three stones in close proximity to each other with each showing a resistance logo, but now (20 Nov '23) the third stone is no longer showing a logo.


This stone we find in Forest Region close to the first one, sometimes more than one sign alerts us to the same area of interest.


Better look around near the lake.


This stone is hidden in the middle of the forest in Forest region, alerting of the cache nearby.


This stone in Forrest region is one of two, that alerts us to a hidden spot nearby


This is the second stone, the house on both pictures is the same house.


Resistance Signs on Boards

Here another sign near a Lake, indicating something to find.


This sign in the Forest Region is hidden in plain sight.


This sign led to the message in a bottle, right in front of the barricade of the Stilsjon Civil defence.


This sign we find at the entrance of Nästgård Stable.


At this sign survivors are alerted to free food at this resource station, which is regularly replenished according to Katja Jarvinen head of the Supply Mission.


Resistance Signs on Buildings

Weathered sign on Readiness Storage (Resistance Radio Maintenance mission).


Sign on green Military office at Myrdalen Water Tower.


Sign on the back of green Military office at Myrdalen Water Tower.


Sign inside a green Military office.


Resistance Sign on a barn.


Resistance Sign on a boathouse.


Resistance Sign on a church.


Resistance Sign on a garage.


Resistance Sign on a branches & pallets fence.


Resistance Sign on a House in Hagaboda.


Two Resistance Signs on the front and back of second House in Hagaboda, which also played a part in the procedural mission “Resistance Dead Drop”.




Resistance Signs on Vehicles

Resistance Sign on Armoured Flakmoped.


Resistance Sign on a Command Centre Truck.


Resistance Signs at procedural missions

( 1st) Anomalous Signal - shows no Logos.
(2nd) Repair Station Removal - shows no Logos.
(3rd) Fnix Outpost Sabotage - shows no Logos.

The 4th, 5th, and 6th Procedural Mission all have one or more instances of a Resistance logo

Resistance Sign on Radio tower during procedural mission “Resistance Radio Maintenance (4th)”.


The logo is not so clear to see on this stone next to the cache. This was part of the procedural mission “Resistance Dead Drop (5th)” in the North Coast.


Here the Resistance Logo is on a Tarp and a Stone near a Cache (Dead Drop Mission).


Here the Sign is on the newspaper “Dagstidningen” with three ducks. This was part of the procedural mission “Resistance Dead Drop” in the North Coast where we had to get a key. (See black Hagaboda house above)


Sign with seven ducks and notebook in procedural Dead Drop in Lilla.


Resistance Sign on apartment building in Markbacken only during procedural mission “High Value Target (6th)”.


Sign with key to cache in procedural Dead Drop in Lilla.


Sign on chest 1 in procedural Dead Drop Klinte.


Sign on chest 2 in procedural Dead Drop Klinte.


Sign on lighthouse on the backside of structure in procedural mission Resistance Radio Maintenance.


Sign on Casemate near Salthamn bridge during a High Value Target mission.


Sign on Farmland Lookout during a High Value Target mission.



Resistance Sign Graffiti on a poster.


Resistance Sign on a Resistance Dropbox at Nästgård stable (ML).


Resistance Sign on a Companion Station.


Sign on a message bottle which were used by the Resistance to communicate with each other without the machines knowing.


The Motståndet Newsletters all (10) have the logo on it, but in black & white.


There are 8 weapons that can have a skin that has the resistance logo on them. Example: my Exp. Grg M/49 with the Resistance Puma skin equipped has 6 Resistance logos on it.


Lets not forget our companion who wears the Resistance Logo proudly on its armour.


And last but not least, we have Resistance Logos on 5 Base Building items including the Base defence pack and Base Support Pack. We have: a Medical trailer, an explosive barrel, a Sandbag Defence position, a Sniper Tower and on a Banner. All five Items - for convenience - on one picture.


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Not a route 66 though… :coffee:

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Thanks for the hints with the signs, I didn’t even notice them, I’m probably too focused on not being discovered :wink:

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Glad you like it. I am still looking around, since I visited the obvious places but I have a feeling that there are more that I might have forgot. If so I will add them as usual. :coffee:

At least those at the objectives of the procedual radio maintance mission are missing. But you’re right. There may be more…

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I updated the Resistance Logos route. Tested all 6 procedural missions. There might be more weapon skins that show a resistance logo. But since I typically always use only three primary and two secondary weapons, I don’t know yet if there are more than the Puma skin. I have to check them all out first.

If you know off hand, of any weapon skins that show a blue resistance logo when carrying it ingame let me know.

I found two more stones with a logo, and added them to the collection.

The Archipelago Region is my favorite region, :sunrise_over_mountains: its peaceful, relaxing, and not full of mean robots from other regions :upside_down_face: the archipelago region robots are just mis-understood, there not like the other robots in the other regions, they can be helped, and maybe turn them into good robots working for the resistance

Btw. @Madchaser, did you noticed that the ruins of St. Anna church, has gotten a tower at some update. It has no stairs, though. I wonder when that happened. Any idea? :thinking:

I think it was at least before New Dawn, and only today I noticed it… What?

Shopping Carts

Route 27: Shopping Carts - Click here

In this route, I travelled around the map taking pictures of Shopping Carts. Sometimes they tell a story.
Not sure if I have them all here, so if you know one that I missed, please let me know.

Forest Region: Two Shopping Carts

This one in Old Town is not far from the eastern petrol station.

This shopping cart is found in the Östervik suburb Lillå


Marchland Region: one Shopping Cart

This one is standing on the side of the road. Rather strange so far away from any shop. This is actually a very nice way of the devs to make us wonder.


South Coast Region: Six Shopping Carts

This one lying on it’s side in the salty sea water, abandoned after it used its purpose!


Here an Shopping Cart near a phone booth. Looking around at the devastation I see why it was left.


Here a shopping Cart left at a warehouse.


Here are two Shopping Carts chilling on the corner.


Here a single Shopping Cart at the back of a Benso Shop.


Twentyseven Shopping Carts on Himfjäll Island

One Shopping Cart at a small Port on the North West of Himfjäll


One Shopping Cart at a cabin of a small Camping


This Shopping Cart was left in a hurry by rock not far from a statue.


Not emptied Shopping Cart near a barricaded house.


Shopping Cart at the back of a Food Kiosk.


This Cart in front of a Kundsam shop is right where it belongs.


I heard about Fiddler on the Roof, but an ACA Shopping Cart? What would the story be?


Four shopping carts at a road block, two on one side and two on the other.


Sixteen Shopping Carts all on Himarvet Square

Eight of sixteen on the side of the Kundsam Building


Three of sixteen a bit further away from the Kundsam building.


Two of sixteen even further away from the parking lot.


One of sixteen close to the parking lot.


One of sixteen left near the cars on the parking lot.


One of sixteen lying on its side near a dead body on the shopping promenade.


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The viral “Shopping Cart Theory” proposes that an individual’s moral character can be determined by whether they choose to return a shopping cart to its designated spot after use, or whether they simply leave it wherever it suits them

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if you can push it there please bring it back, don’t leave it in the streets, employees don’t get paid to leave the grocery premises store 2 find abandoned shopping carts everywhere, :roll_eyes:, and if Management tells OverNight stockers to leave the store to hunt down abandoned shopping carts Even if paid, that’s against policy

i was a OverNight frozen stocker 4 Neighborhood Market and I had 2 tell management NO many times on many things & know my rights :dizzy_face: sometimes Management needs things said 2 them, even if it hurts Management feelings

Someone said Generation Zero is an exact 1:1 replica of Sweden from Google Earth yet I don’t exactly remember the thread where I saw it posted. Sweden looks to be on par with other island nations like New Zealand. Perhaps the viking lore is not limited to a single country, more like a geographical region before the borders were drawn. If you think about all of the Christian nations that swore allegiance to Israel and then you see that this cultural heritage site is smaller than the scope of its influence, it makes you wonder if all the prophets had ever seen the Holy Lands in person. I wouldn’t mind if Iceland was the new island with all of its volcanoes because Greenland is one big ice sheet with a few Inuit fishing villages attached that happen to speak Swedish

Archipelago Region is my favorite place for hikes at night-time in game AND out of game, real time 10:00pm - 1:00am real lifetime time :milky_way: it just feels more realistic & spooky :dizzy_face: the game creeps me out sometimes at nighttime both game & real world, I feel like I’m be watched by some AI robot thing, just :chair: sitting in the empty houses, starring out the windows like Norman Bates mom from the psycho movies & TV series :ghost: this game is full of AI intelligence that ghost the multiplayer peoples, & was invented by Elon Musk, just a thought

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