Best use for flakmoped [poll]


  • load the military type full with explosives and emps and go BOOM
  • use them as transport
  • use them as crafting station
  • drive off large cliffs with them
  • i don’t have the dlc
  • flakmopeds are trash and i don’t use them
  • i managed to fit a turret onto one
  • with friends
0 voters

If you have “use them as crafting station” as option, there should be more than just that.

It’s a mobile operation base.
Prepare for a battle, fight, recycle and refill/drop items/ammo.

yeah, with crafting i also meant recycling and storing

Used to use it (the workbench one) as a mobile recycling station when I needed to go out and collect scraps, when resources were in short supply.
After the Showdown update you get so much and the inventory in the recycle holds so much more, besides what you have to get through base defense, so I haven’t touched the flak moped.

Now it’s the bike for stealth, or the old loud military motorcycle if you want to create a bit of a mess. :grin:

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Yes, in general I totally agree with that.

I don’t use bikes, motorbikes and flakmopeds that much all the ways.
For getting to a location or certain battlefield faster than with running, they are good.

Then I do what I want to do, fight my battles … And then I often walk on, because I’m too lazy to run back to my vehicle. The next safehouse usually isn’t that far away.

I don’t pick up every weapon for recycling them for weapon parts any more and I usually just pick up the ammo that I need and just to fill up what I used.

But at least, almost every safehouse has a vehicle station, but not necessarly a recycling station or crafting station. So I usually just go to a vehicle station there, chose my flakmoped and use it instead of looking for each single station.

You forgot to add how much fun it is to hop in the armored flakmoped and run over small robots.

Haven’t used the other flak mopeds that much, but last night I found a new favorite - Terräng Flak!

Hysterically fun to do stunts with, spent 2 hours just crashing it into something to watch it fly like the best aerial acrobat!

have you tried driving down a hill/slope and hitting a ramp (could be the side of an elevated street )

Now that we get a lot more slower than before due to the new “over ecumbered status” the Flakmoped is now much more important, i never used it before, now its important if you plan to clear multiple zones from machines.

(Yes i could warp to any safehouse but that makes the game boring and less realistic)


yea and if you just want to travel from battle to battle its also good

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wait, someone has managed to fit a turret , which one, and how???
please, i really want to know