Blurry Graphics

The game has become incredibly blurry since I last played (Xbox One). I wouldn’t even call it HD anymore. It’s really terrible. Will this be fixed? This is no longer the game I bought…

Check how wide your view is set at. If it is to wide the graphics at least on PS4 tend do get blurry. Not sure exactly what the setting is called.

Noticed the same. View was fine before. Are patches supposed to change your settings ? Had the same with sensitivity of directional buttons after older patch.

Didn’t notice it yet on PS5 for most of my settings.
Yes, the graphics in distance was better before.
Maybe it’s due to some performance improvements.

Regarding the settings for the sensitivity of my right stick: the value always stays the same, but it doesn’t apply every time I start the game. I first have to open the settings and turn the personal value for my right stick off and on again.