Bow damage buff

hi everyone I’m sure this is a frequently requested buff. Is buffing bow damage on the to-do list in the future? Its a higher skill weapon that requires high risk high reward dps I’m sure I’m not the first to feel like it doesn’t hit as hard as it feels like it should. I would even be happy with a buff where you could use the bow to stagger a machine for 2-3 seconds or maybe more targeted part focusing to make it more specialized and situational. But maybe the easiest change would be just buffing its damage to be a viable option next to a sniper. thank you for all your hard work! much love to the dev team!

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I don’t agree. It’s just a bow. You cannot compare it to a gun… If fighting machines. It’s not a far cry, where I really loved the bow.

Standard arrows are poor. I can live with it.
But the other arrows… There could be more variants which are really useful… Or at least funny. (for example a glue arrow which completly stops movement of at least runners and hunters)

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Compare an explosive arrow with the free Exp Alg and the bow is becoming obsolete. While I think it fits the post apoc resistance theme it’s broken dlc.

It’s just an alternative.
It’s good to have alternatives if you start a new game (but not instantly!)
If you already have everything, most of what you got becomes obsolete.

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