Bug & improvement March

the total change quickly disorients the time to take control of the new interface,
over time you get used to it

new accessory or replacement for the long-range radio

now let’s go to some problem encountered and that impacts my game

Minor problem

Here I have the choice to take everything or to take 1 by 1 here we imagine among the recovered object 5/8 interests me there should be a selection that we want to take. In wartime it’s hard to do 1 by 1 and take everything to unnecessarily lead the inventory with items we don’t need

ah yes also an important thing a shortcut to change the ammunition would be practical.

Major problem
I have a weapon that I can no longer play it appears in my slots but in shortcut impossible to use it

my 2nd weapon does not want to appear if I remove the 2 locations and replace the problematic weapon, I can only play the pistol !?

I’ve seen alot of people having the same problem with the weapon slots, I too had that problem but i managed to fix it by dropping my whole inventory then picking it back up.
Hope that helps

I agree that the looting is tedious


Thank you, I was able to unlock my weapon with your manipulation, indeed, this is annoying

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It’s the heavy comm array lure and it’s appearance is the same as before. So, nothing new here.

Comm arrays (click here to see)

Inside inventory, all three comm array lures: light, medium and heavy.

Dropped on the ground. Left: heavy comm array lure, right: medium comm array lure

So, this worked for me as well with one problem. After I got everything back in my inventory, attachments on, and assigned to slots, I switched out my Exp AG4 in slot 1 for the PVG. No issue till I swapped them back, and suddenly the AG4 in Slot 1 won’t come up again. Had to dump everything and re-equip to get it back.

Hoping a hotfix comes out for this because I can’t be doing this every time I need to switch out a weapon…