Bug Report: Medkit Glitched into other objects/floating around player

Platform: PC, Steam. [gz-test]

Description: After I arrive at Ibolhomen Castle for the First Contact quest, I notice that the simple medkit bound to my 2nd slot was clipping through items in my other slots. Binoculars, Propane tanks, fireworks radios, and my pistol, but not my automatic rifle, shotgun, or hunting rifle. The medkit also is visible when in 3rd person such when doing emotes or riding a bike, and is visible through the character

Steps To Reproduce: Unsure, it only happened when I got to Ibolhomen castle, between finding the empty car and finding the note in the tower

Images / Videos:
idk how to make them not appear in this format

Host or Client: Singleplayer

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: 8GB RAM, 11th Gen Intel Core i3-1115G4 @ 3.00GHz, Intel UHD Graphics

I found something similar, had a med kit appear attached to my revolver today, only lasted that lifetime though. Swapped weapons and it was still there, looked tactical however.