Bug report: Player inventory re-shuffles after recycling equipment

Platform: PC, Steam.

Description: When recycling items, player’s inventory might randomly re-shuffle. Check the order of the items before and after each time I pause and you’ll see what I mean.

Steps To Reproduce: Recycle items. Player inventory should eventually re-shuffle.

Images / Videos: streamable .com/j60q39

Host or Client: Host, playing offline.

Specifications: Windows 11 / AMD Ryzen 7 7700X / NVidia GeForce RTX 4070

EDIT: Editing and removing the link to not be muted this time. Guess y’all don’t want bug reports.

I’ll make an own topic for that…
Didn’t notice it for recycling, yet, but it’s almost the same when looting for example a firebird rival with much loot. If I pick an item, the sorting changes suddenly.