Bugged Cylinders and other Items


If I change the items on the equipment wheel to something that has a placement outline (like gas cylinder) while being on a bike, it shows the outline while on the bike and bugs out.

I thought it was a feature and pressed all the buttons to deploy the thing but all I got was honking noises. It became worse when the wheel selection got locked to this one item. I can’t change it unless I get off the bike. The wheel itself can only do 1 switch while on the bike. Not sure if this is capped off or bugged.

Steps To Reproduce:
Grab a Cylinder, large emp or your Companion and get on your bike. While on the bike, open the inventory and assign it to a slot. Exit the inventory and you’ll have the bug.

Players in your game:
Single Player

Ryzen 7 with RTX 3050 running Windows 10

I noticed the same while I had selected homing turrets.

Platform: PC

Description: just started a new game with the bug testing and everthing i hold has a red gas cylinder attached to it

Steps To Reproduce: new start happens after getting ammo from police car and killing first runner

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: single player game

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: amd ryzen 5 3600, gtx 1070 8gb, a320m-h-cf mother board 16gb ddr4 memory 2tb sata ssd

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Are you running the Beta? I had that same issue until I disabled it.

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People if you are running the beta and have issues, please post them in this topic.