There are camps, especially Russian camps, that were not listed on the map with objectives like weapons and collectibles that now are. I had found several of these camps before the revamp and gotten the weapons and collectibles. Now that they are “listed” with objectives the weapons and collectibles are no longer obtainable, BECAUSE I HAD GOTTEN THEM BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO MAKE THEM OBJECTIVES leaving me and I’m sure many others out in the cold and unable complete those objectives.
Specifically but not exclusively Ramsboda Kulle and Amurskijj Tigr Outpost in the Marshlands.
On an unrelated note I’ve downloaded The Division 2.
Keep calm.
I’m sure that these are just forgotten things they wanted to add in the next update and not now and that there will be missions with collectables and weapons at the spots.
I don’t think so.
There was no mission associated with them, they were just the normal weapon and collectible items that were placed to find while exploring but they placed them BEFORE adding them as an objective so that anyone that wandered into that camp or area and picked them up can’t pick them up, again. What they SHOULD do, but won’t, is either grandfather them for those that picked them up or place them, again. Because collectibles go into their own achievement file grandfathering them would be easy. The weapons they could just respawn. I haven’t been to the forest ranger tower that had a collectible up at the top on the hand rail, yet, but it would not surprise me if that is also now an objective that, if you’ve already gone up there and gotten the Russian Doll, cannot be completed. They seem to add the objectives as an afterthought but without thinking things all the way through. Par for the course, I guess with the rest of the problems.
The devs of this game have a very bad habit of letting bugs and fails like this just sit there untouched and unfixed, like, for example the buried pistol at the Soviet Recon Camp or the gun that is unreachable on top of the wall after destroying the FNIX generator in South Coast, or the HEDP schematic that is now stuck under the building at IGA. Or the continuing saga of the new control points or the Home Base Defense that no longer works. And let’s not forget the FMTEL assignments and resistance points left unrewarded week after week.
I’ve worked as a tester. My best friend is a lead at a company that tests games including VR. He won’t even long into this game, any more, and who can blame him. And he’s the one that got me this game.
You say “keep calm” as if I’m not. But here’s the rub, if I don’t post about it then they really will just let it slide and so these bugs become features out of laziness or ineptitude. But if all they want is your money and don’t care about the game, mission accomplished, hey?
You’re right. If you’ve gotten an item or a collectible from a location that then got a tally added to it, it should sync up.
Not sure how to do that though. But I agree it’s important to consider, especially when they have to move collectibles around due to revamps. That could pose issues with gameplay.