when the soviets was realesed i was happy because theres more bigger robots but theres not. its weaker hp but deals more damage.
i play on xbox one.
mulitplayer, it just game crashes to many times that is not fun and i cant tell what it is.
robots, what can i say theres to many of them that game crashes or slows down.
new players, i dont care about them they get free weapons from random people and then they lose the fun 60% percent of it without realising. because they always get experimentals or specials. and that will lead to game crashes because shock ammo and thousands of bullets and experimentals guns. because theres to many robots!
the main porpose is that i want bigger robots but less smaller robots for to decrease the lag. threat levels doesnt work that well like whats the diffrence from 20 threat level into 24 threat level. lemme guess more hunters that will cause more lag or higher class for hunters?