Can someone give a calculation of generation zero tank classes hit points?

no calculation would need to be done if the healthpoints for each machine were just released.


And whatā€™s next?
Do you want popups for the hitpoints for each bullet that hit the targets?
Maybe blue popups for component hits and red popups for armor hits?

Imagine how it may look like if you fire a magazine of 9mm explosive with the experimental Kpist on a tankā€¦

And you all still would wonder why the numbers will be different for each hitā€¦

Literally no one said this buddy. Read better next time.
Please look up ā€œslippery slopeā€ fallacy.

No, no I would not. I am aware of the many multipliers this game probably has for damage. These would just be simple numbers between 0-1. Not very complex.

Why is it any time someone wants something that would be helpful someone has to come in and say ā€œoh yeah, whats next??? You want blah blah blah???ā€

Honestly, it is a tiring argument and I am unsure why people even attempt to make it. It just looks like you are afraid of change.


I have found that if I start shooting at a machine it is good practice to keep shooting at it till it is destroyed. Like a hunter, I can one shot them but if the first shot doesnā€™t destroy it, I fire again. If it took 3 shots that doesnā€™t mean it was damaged 33% on each shot but that it took 3 shots to destroy it. I cannot assume then at all hunters of that class will take 3 shots from said weapon. I missed a prime weak point and the machine took more hits. Doesnā€™t always happen but it does happen. Knowing that my first hit weakened it XX number of health points does me no good, I still need to destroy it.

What would be handy is a firing range with stationary targets and lines at a measured distance, so we can stand XX length units away from target and see the effectiveness of each round into said target. Could have targets for different type of rounds. AP would have one target, FMG another and so on. After each shot you get a brief popup as to how well the round did with the target.

There are already targets that can be crafted in base defense, they can be used to hit the weak points of the machines in a target practice setting.

Yes, maybe. Some suggested changes Iā€™m really afraid of. Every time when I get the feeling that it would destroy the game I like.

Btw., donā€™t take everything personally, just because I answered your post.

Sorry, donā€™t understand that.

No one said that. Yes. Not yet. Seriously, what is it good for to know how much hitpoints a machine has, if you donā€™t know how much damage each shot or hit does?

And like you said by yourself, there are many factors that can have influences on each shot.

You should probably figure out if the thing you are scared of is worth being scared of. IDK how some numbers on a page could destroy the game, but idk.

I am not. I just find almost every point you make is nonsensical.

That is why I told you to look it up. Wikipedia has a pretty good page on it.

Because I have already stated we should get damage numbers too. This was in another thread.

Irrelevant, this information could also be provided easily.

Sorry, but go play tetris.
Donā€™t tell to read before writing if you donā€™t do it by yourself.
This game is unique somehow because there isnā€™t a ā€œenemy x has 100hp, my gun does 25 dmg per hit, so it is killed with 4 shotsā€.

No one sensible seriously wants this. At least me, to be honest. I donā€™t want healthbars for enemies, I donā€™t want to see everytime how much damage I do with each shot* and I donā€™t want to know how many shots I need before I attack a machine.

*if I want to know this I can pick my binoculars and take a look at the techview.

Thatā€™s my opinion.

I seem to know that you donā€™t like me or my opinion, but donā€™t just always say that my opinion is irrelevant or nonsenseā€¦

Ok. But do you know what the slippery slope fallacy is yet? Should we add tu quoque? Perhaps men made of straw will come up later. 2 for 3 so far.

I have read everything you posted and all of it is just the same thing over and over. I am still waiting on the explanation of how damage numbers, multipliers, and HP points will turn into damage numbers popping up mid-combat.

And anybody who is against this has no ability to process logic, of course that is just MY opinion.

No one said anyone has to do that. You could always simply ignore statistics if they were to be provided.

Good. The only thing I am asking is for the damage and health statisitcs to be available officialy. That way, if someone did (be it me, you, or anyone else) they could calculate this if they really wanted to.

I really just want these numbers so I can compare the difference of enemies and guns. I am not saying everyone should have to do that. Provinding this info and letting those who want it to have it changes nothing about how you play the game.

Then do not say things that are irrelavent or nonsense to the argument at hand. E.g health bars, damage number pop ups, complexity of damage system.

None of the above actually say anything about whether releasing in-game stats should or should not happen.

What if itā€™s just random?
Whom would it help to know that a military hunter has for example 200hp and an experimental pvg does 5-300 damage, depending on

  • which ammo you use,
  • how much armor the target has,
  • which skills you have,
  • where exactly you hit it and
  • from which direction,
  • has the target being marked before,
  • is it tumbling before you hit it,
  • is it shocked by emp,
  • is it distracted by flares/fireworks/sound/combat against others,
  • is it aware of you or searching or hunting,
  • in which distance it is or
  • which weather currently is


Did I miss a factor? And thatā€™s just for one weapon in one specific class without damage-changing attachments.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I love statistics, too.
For example I used to use an excel table as inventory of my plundra and my schematics.

But I know, if there are values that canā€™t be known for sure, that it is not worth to make a statistic about it.

Iā€™m just not saying that it shouldnā€™t ever happen that they release values, Iā€™m just saying that it probably is not possible in that way some does it want.

For now Iā€™m tired writing it again and again. Sorry for doing that so often. I tend to do this any time I get the feeling that I canā€™t express correctly what Iā€™m trying to say or that someone just donā€™t gets what Iā€™m saying (because of different language primary).

@Madchaser, @MarkNcheese42. Be nice to eachother now. Youā€™re obviously two people with different opinions, and strongly stick to them. That I respect; just remember that itā€™s a discussion forum, not a debate room. Carry on.


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