Can’t buy certain apparel schematics

In the old system, before the schematics update, you could find a schematic above the next highest one you needed to actually apply it to a garment. If I got shirt bullet-resistant 1 & 2, but didnt have 3. I could find 4, but wouldnt be able to apply it to a shirt until I found 3 and applied that to the level 2 shirt, just as I couldnt apply level 2 until I applied level 1.

Now, after the schematics update, things seem to be different to accommodate the change. Now that schematics are linear based progression, you buy the next available level using apparel schematics points.

Thus, if you currently have shirt bullet-resistance level 1, if you have the points to spend, then you can only buy level 2, not level 3,4,5. Once you buy level 2, the next available level to buy is 3, and so on.

However, I’m not sure how they handled for those who have previously unlocked a higher schematic level without first finding a middle-schematic level, as you guys are discussing. But whatever level it shows in the schematics tree should be the highest level unlocked as it appears they have simply credited higher schematic level as the next available level where missing intermediate levels had previously not been found.

I believe they did this because I know I had several higher-level plans with missing middle-level plans before the update, but now all my schematics are linearly progressive from 1 to whatever max level I can see in the apparel crafting table.

However, and despite this, I too am having an issue where I cannot buy any 5/5 apparel schematics, even when I have the points and mats in storage.

One thing I will be testing today is to pull the mats out of storage and into my inventory to see if it unlocks the grayed out buy-button for 5/5 schematics. I think this may be a solution because there are certain schematics that cannot be crafted in the items category, like Adrenaline shots, until you have certain mats on your person.

That bug makes it so the Adrenaline shot cannot be crafted out of storage for the gasoline, but does for the tungsten. So to craft Adrenaline, I have to pull gasoline out of storage and into my personal inventory and then I can craft them.

So once I get enough apparel points (i spent mine trying to see if I max out other schematics if it would unlock 5/5, which it didnt), I will go ahead and test this if I can unlock 5/5 with the mats in my personal inventory instead of directly out of storage. I’ll let you know.

However, and this is strange, that after the initial schematics update, I was able to buy one 5/5 schematic, I forget which one it was. But only some days ago I first noticed not being able to buy any more. So it appears this issue is somewhat finnicky, and not even applying consistently, which is always the worst kind of bug.

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One important thing to mention:

I don’t think that it’s a bug, that some ressources are needed to have in inventory. (like with the fuel for adrenaline)

I think, they just forgot to add, that you need to have them either in the plundra or in inventory.

Some might already have enough fuel stored in the plundra. They should be able to craft adrenaline, as long as they also have enough tungsten in the recycling station.
But others possibly don’t have enough fuel, first craft fuel, which is being placed to the inventory, and then craft the adrenaline.

On the other hand they should add, that ressources, that normally are placed in the recycling station, should also be useable from inventory.

I hope, you understand.

Not sure if i am understanding. But either way, some info on where items need to be to craft is needed.

I did check that I had the necessary items in inventory for buying the 5/5 schematic recipes, but that didnt work, so it’s not that. I think there is just a bug preventing 5/5 schematic purchases. Hopefully they will fix this soon, as it is a problem a lot of people are having and it’s kinda a game-breaker. At least in the sense that it is very disheartening to be stuck with lower gear when I should be able to purchase the higher schematic recipe.


No. You can play the game very well without crafting upgrades on your clothes…
I even don’t know actually, if the effect of the crafted apparel is working now as intended. That’s way more important to fix.

Well, they changed some values there in one of the last updates, partially doubled the effects, but I don’t see any difference.
This is something that has been complained about for a long time now.

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I’m having the same issue. And I don’t know what to do?

Could you add screenshots of the schematics tab of your log screen?

That should have been fixed since the last update, shouldn’t it @SR_Carni ? …

Did you install the febuary update?

Seems like it was only a partial fix🤔 will have to look into it more

Yes I did. I waited all night for the release cause I thought it would fix it but was only able to max out the other bullet resistant gear.