Cannot progress with Flying Objects (can't pick up key)

Platform: PC (latest version via Steam)

Steps To Reproduce: Shoot the pot-plant covering the key, can’t pick up the key to progress Flying Objects.

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this can happen if you havent followed the mission order, happened to me also. a co-op player did parts i didnt do , eg i didnt read the town map , or see the phone book in the phone booth. maybe just go back and check you have done all the requirements before getting the key. hope this is of any help. -kindly

Arg, I have been having trouble with random people joining my sessions even though they’ve been set to Invite Only so this could be it.

Not sure how I’ll be able to find the other parts now that they’re flagged as complete and there will be no quest markers, I can’t even drop the quest and re-acquire it to start it from scratch again.