Can't continue the game

Ok Thanks, cool this workaround works for you. I checked on my end And I also haven’t got a steam.dll in the common/generationZero location. But my game-saves are still there.

So I guess the problem was caused by the moving to the other drive. Did you do this manually, that might cause the problem. I also changed the game-drive a few years back, but I did it in the steam manager/settings.

Enjoy the game, and make manual saves, just to be sure. I have made over 300 now. I number each save to keep track. Most of them I deleted of course. :coffee:

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Oh if you mean the Steam platform file with it is games, no. I had it there from the first time I download Steam platform to have better work on my PC so I just only copy-paste the Steam.dll into “GenerationZero” file that was missing. (if that is what you mean?!?)

Seriously strange though that even if in your end you don’t have that Steam.dll file, for you the game works just fine but for me I had to copy-paste that file :thinking:

Thank you, I will enjoy it as it is a great game :slight_smile: and yeah will keep an on the saves as now I see the “Avalanche Studios” back on my C: now and with the appropriate files to make it work, truly strange :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Appreciated it :+1:
:coffee: or :beers: