Can't craft 3* 4* and 5* clothes

Platform: PC

Description: I tried to create Camouflage Shoes for my stealthy character and 3* was the most I could craft. Camouflage Jacket - 2* max. Blast - resistant shoes - 4*max.

Steps To Reproduce: Try to craft any modded clothes.

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: i7 10700K, 32G RAM, RTX 3080

As far as I can see, you don’t have enough ressources.

Hmm… why does it say +2.5% visibility reduction and in the line below -2.5% visibility reduction at the same time ??

The numbers say otherwise. Besides - it would be highlighted in red.

It’s a bit messy. If there is a different upgrade installed then the red icon is displayed correctly, but text on the right is the same as above :man_shrugging:

You’re right. :thinking:

And I checked with other stuff - same thing. Edited main post.

OK, crafting materials count in clothing crafting station does not match the numbers in recycling station.

So basically @Madchaser, you were right :wink:

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Yet another bug. :roll_eyes:

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