Can't do the High Value Target mission

Platform: Xbox 1 S

Description: Can’t fuel the generator or press the button. I tried fast traveling to different places and coming back but did not fix it. I tried testarting the game but nothing seemed to change. Sometimes the generator and everything else there except for the little tent thing would not spawn. I’ve played this mission solo on PC through steam and never encountered this issue.

Steps To Reproduce: Could not fix to reproduce.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: Solo at the time.

Specifications: Xbox 1 S (not really sure what else to put here)

Pictures I managed to snatch today of the generator and such not being there:

I have the same issue on Xbox One X

Played that mission yesterday evening. I’m on Steam and on PC. It runs without any problems for me. When i remeber it right you don’t have to refuel the generator. You must repair the switch cabinet what is on the left side, the side to the sea, and then you must go up and turn the Broadcast system on…

This should be different “for each player”. Either it’s that way or an other.

Can’t complete High Value Target

Platform: PS4

Description: went to rooftop, saw indicator over generator and began adding fuel. I didn’t have enough fuel (40 something) so I went and searched in the area for fuel. Returned with enough to top it off but there was no indicator.
I dropped a field radio, left and returned, still not there. My blue and white side mission indicator is there but I can’t initiate anything.
I restarted the game, came back the next day, returned on foot instead of field radio fast travel, nothing is bringing it back.
Just after the problem occurred, I went to fast travel to a random safehouse, but instead of fast traveling, the map focused on the Farudden Radar Mast which was flashing. I traveled to that location but saw no indicators on what to do when I got there.

Steps To Reproduce: I’m unable to initiate this side mission.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: host

Players in your game: solo player

Specifications: N/A

Just guessing, but probably it’s actually intended that it just can be used once.
But in this case they must have thought that it’ll always be finished in the first attempt.

Well, that’s of course not possible if you don’t have enough fuel or repair kits.

For this case, in my eyes, the mission should be adjusted a bit, that you first have to get the fuel/repair kits and then become able to interact with the generator. (For example)

That should be happen. As i made that mission fortunately i had enough fuel and repair kits in my bagpack so i could finished it. One point is that you need more than one repair kit so it should be better that you get this items at the start of the mission.

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Hey! This bug is fixed in the next update, so no need to change the mission design^_^


Definitely not fixed had this problem with this mission and it hasn’t fixed over multiple days.

There seems to something wrong. In side mission " Use the radio transmitter to locate the nearest high value target. Ok got there and needed more gasoline so went back to the safe house to get some, to speed things up I left a radio on fast Travel the generator Blankout couldn’t fill it, but task was to fill it. So I left the game restarted it and same no radio but the bike was still there, tried it twice more and the same, anyway had to go out came back restart the PC and the game no change, bike still there and the generator still unable to fill it, normally when you restart a game the bike is gone.


Try not to use fast travel next time.
I guess that’s the reason why it broke.

I saw someone commented about this on another post last week. So I tested it yesterday, fast traveled away and back with a radio. And yes, it bugged out and locked the mission completely. Restarting the console (Series X) did not help either.

Got almost the same problem and didn’t travel. Did know that the mission needed repairkits and gasoline and had read about someone getting this kind of error leaving to get more.
Repaired and the generator newer lit up for me. Contiuned to do the dailys and then traveld back, the fusebox was now lit up for interaction but told me 100%. Nothing could be done on either the fusebox or generator.

Thought that may caused the problem, tried over few day and still not working.
Thanks. Only fast traveled because I forgot the Gasoline Thought safe walking or cycling back.

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With the High Value Target near Markbacken, the generator that needs gas won’t accept it, the red light is not blinking and the generator button doesn’t function so I am not able to continue the mission. I have tried to complete the task 5 times. I have turned shut Gen Zero down 5 times and waited to the next day to try again,

Moved to existing report covering the issue.


Went back to it today 17th May there no change, generator still blanked out, lest the bike gone now. :grinning:

It’s a weekly thing.
If a procedual mission is locked somehow, then it is locked for the rest of the week.

And not every these missions work the same. They are procedually generated and their factors may differ each time.

So maybe look for an other way.

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It pretty exsact what needs doing fill the generator with gasoline, done this loads of times then you press the button to activate the radio and then the target is highlighted with the blue diamond, so what other way are you suggesting. ?