Can't see whats in my inventory (unable to cycle between player menu tabs)

Just bought the game on PS4 to play with some of my friends. But already at the beginning i can’t see whats in my inventory. The only thing i can see is the first gun you pick up. I can’t change to my medkit or my shotgun for that matter. I tried to reinstall the game but with no luck.
Hope someone can help.

Did you add those items to quick access slots? There are 2 for main weapons, 1 for pistol, and 4 for other equipment.

You need to switch to the other tabs to see unequipped items in your inventory now.

Thanks for the suggestion
I can’t add my items to the quick access slots because i can’t switch between my tabs in my inventory if that makes sense.

Hi @thaysen96 :wave:

If I understand correctly you are unable to cycle between tabs in the player menu (inventory, log, map, etc) with the R1 and L1 buttons?

We have seen similar reports previously and we believe this occurs with worn out controllers/buttons.

We have a ticket for handling the issue and one of the possible fixes is to increase the sensitivity so that even if controllers/buttons are worn out the input is registered.

Could you try the following things and get back to me with the result?

  • Pressing the buttons harder (so that they go deeper)
  • Try using a different controller
  • Do you have the same issue trying to cycle between categories in the LOG screen?
  • Double check that you are using the correct buttons (shown as tooltip at the bottom of the screen)

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting! :pray:

It worked! I can cycle between my tabs now thank you. The pressing the button part didn’t work but i tried a different(new) controller that weren’t used as much or worn out.

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