Car Engines Invisible - Minor Bug (PC)

Platform: PC

Description: Car engines in Fiskebäck are invisible, can’t loot them.
FAST TRAVEL does not fix the problem, RESTARTING the game does not fix the problem.
CORDS: -4533.279, 3705.956

Steps To Reproduce: Go to Fiskebäck and open the hoods.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Single-player, host

Players in your game: Solo

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570
RAM: 16GB DDR3 (3 sticks)
Game is on SSD
Settings are custom, water and reflections have been lowered, everything else is on the highest

UPDATE: Some car engines are back! Most of them are either gone or they load after some time! 2-5 engines that are in this part are a bit buggy, MEANING that if I look away, engine is gone, and vice versa.

The white car seems to have the biggest problem, after that comes the blue car and then orange (loaded too slow, never disappeared again)

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That’s weird, thanks for reporting this. Does this happen everytime you play, and is it only in that area?

So far it’s only in that area, if I find more I will update it!

@Zesiir I still found this one 2 years later (PS4, host, single player)
Most of the others (if not all) were fine.