Certain consumables cannot be SEEN by other players in co-op

Platform: XB1

Description: In co-op, other players cannot see certain consumables that you equip. The most common are all health kits.

Steps To Reproduce: Turn on the game. Go to co-op. Happens immediately and every time.

Images / Videos: Any screenshots or videos of issue you encountered -nope

Host or Client: Were you hosting a multiplayer game? Or did you join somebody else session?

Hosting and joining co-op.

Players in your game: How many other players were in your game?

2 total players in co-op

Specifications: What are the hardware specs of your PC or which XBox, PS4 console were you playing on?

Moderators: again, I m trying to report new issues here. Please do not combine with missing weapons bug. The items are not missing, they cannot be seen by others.

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Can you go into more detail? Do you mean when one player is holding a medkit, the other can’t see it? Or?

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I am pretty sure that is what they mean. Ima try to hop in Multi tonight and see if I can get a screen shot if it reflects to PS4 as well. Normally all I see is weapons and lots of explosions :rofl:

Yes that is correct. As one player cycles through the four consumable slots, the other cannot see 1 of the 4 items, instead seeing the previously equipped item. For example, if I cycle flare, emp, firework, adv health kit—the coop player sees me holding flare, emp, firework, and still a firework

We tried various items, and it seems like the health kits wouldn’t appear. We didn’t try all possible items. We also emptied all consumable slots and refilled them. The problem still occurred.