I have two characters: one for solo play, and one for an ongoing multiplayer game with a friend. My solo characters is in the late stage of the game. The multiplayer game is early - we just completed “Making Friends”, and it broughgt up some things about the companion I wanted to ask about:
There is only one companion per account, which all characters in that account share, correct? This makes sense to me, because if the companion worked like any other piece of hardware in the Pludra, you could have more than one of them in your inventory, and I can see how that would create issues.
However, the inventory of the companion seems to be tied to the character. Example: my solo player deploys Commander Spark Paw, and loads him up with a survival kit of med packs, repair kits, portable turrets and HE ammo. Then I pack him away in my inventory.
Then I open my multiplayer character, get Commander Spark Paw from the Plundra, deploy him, and there’s only the 5 repair kits inside that companions start with by default. I remove those, put in a bunch of semlas, then pack him back up in the Plundra.
Back to my solo player, deploy Commander Spark Paw, and there is my survivala kit, no pastry. So it’s like the companion is shared by all characters, but the companion inventory is unique to each character.
So, three questions:
Is this the way it is supposed to work?
Are there any “best practices” people use to mamnage their companions across different characters? Either for ease-of-use or to avoid glitches?
What would happen if I made a third character, new world. and proceeded through the “Making Friends” mission? Would it just not generate a companion, since the game is “aware” that a companion is alreadt in the Plundra, or in the inventory of some other character in my account? I would have tried myself, but didn’t want to invest the time and also was worried about corrupting my character since deployables seem to be so finicky since the Showdown update.
Many thanks in advance!