This is a summary of the problem with companions, and it’s not about bugs, it’s about companions behavior.
Companion spawn under player feet, and player become a cannon ball.
I know many players already experienced this, and it’s still a problem on dec-24, you can be thrown for 30-40 meters by the companion. It’s not fair be pushed in front of the enemy, so bad for stealth. Or be pushed over a canyon, so bad for legs.
Companion is a bull hitting and crashing me while on bikes. No respect for personal space.
Companion don’t want me to leave a room, doing body-blocking. Taking and re-deploy it is boring.
Possible solution for 1, 2, 3 points: making it ethereal, not physical for players.
Companion(s) indistinguishable by enemies ad night, especially when playing with a friend.
Possible solution: improve colors, lights and contour to distinguish it. Especially in multiplayer.
Companion bloodlust: when I ping with “G” to show enemies to the other players, my companion starts WW3 against an army of tanks.
“G” funcion is so good in solo, but a problem in multiplayer.
Possible solution: tell this dumb player (me) if there are different ways to ping, OR if this is the only way to ping, make it modular. Ex: light push to ping, hold G to attack, or double fast ping G to attack.
Companion armor is classist: it is really too expensive built and rebuilt the armor. I give it up, I let the companion die and use the repair funciont, risky but cheapest. I’m tired farm materials to satisfy the suicidal spirit of my companion.
Possible solution: rebalance the cost of the armor. Come on, it’s a consumable.
Alternative final solution: when the companion dies, let id dead.
I almost never experienced this before showdown. But now it happens quite often to me, too.
I agree somehow. I don’t always want to pick up my companion if I want to ping something for my mate. There should be another option just for the players.
Not an option for consoles. On hold we get the emotes wheel.
I would agree. Some armors sometimes are crushed in seconds, if it’s “the wrong type” to counter and attack. For example the bullet resistant one … In a fight with a vulture my companion dies in seconds.
Would be a good option, I guess. At the same time the other machines, If dead, should become bullet resistant again. It was so cool to use them as cover in the past.
Regarding this just a short clearification.
GZ always runs in the same mode. There is no difference between singleplayer and multiplayer. You could say, it’s always multiplayer, but you may also play alone in this mode.
That’s important to know, as by that there can’t be made differences in options, features and so on.
Good point, but in 50 hours of game I didn’t find new colors (not for companion). Anyway, I don’t know if this would change in night battles.
A good solution may be put a really small icon appearing when they are running up and down the battlefield (same as the one they already have when you go near them, but disappears when you’re distant).
Yes, I know it’s always multi. I mean: the problem comes up when you are fighting close to a friend, for example when defending an outpost at night, or moving together, it happens. It’s not a drama, is just annoying.