I was playing single player when my internet had a hic up and my companion de spawned. I tried re place the companion down but couldn’t get it to work, some terrain would show a red outline meanwhile other flat terrain would show nothing. I tried applying new armor sets to the companion as well as starting a whole new world and retrying the quest line. The companion on the new world did work however transferring it over to the original world did not allow me to spawn it.
At the companion station you can also reset the companion (if your lost it in Battlefield). Did you try that?
Where would the reset button be? If you’re referring to the repair companion, I already tried that and all it did was put the companion in my inventory. I can’t seem to place it down when I put it in my weapon wheel or in my inventory when I hit deploy.
Apparently I accidentally fixed it, as I was just playing I randomly decided to try to place it and it worked. I think there may have been a terrain bug where I was trying to place it.
The game is picky about where you deploy items like Companions.
The general rule is not to be indoors and to place the companion on level ground, like your base defense area.