Companion fling me into mountain through bunker

As the title states i was flung outside of the bounds because the companion did so, basically when the companion teleports to you it usually does so not into you, this time it tp’d into me and i was flung way too hard for the engine to handle so i sort of just phased through a bunker wall and ended up outside under the ground, i’d like to put a video of it here but doesn’t support it soooo…

it happened to me once :rofl: the worst part is, my companion never appologizes, Never, anytime my companions stands in front of my flak-moped knocking me off, other times getting bumped into the sky falling and using adrenaline shot, Companion Just Stands there like he did nothing wrong, & the under the bunker bump lol

These “warp-to/through” physics/collision glitches are why I’m always telling people, pick the dog up. Don’t leave it out…

Their pathfinding and warping behavior is terrible, at least in complex environments like building/bunker interiors. Leaving the dog out while exploring such places is just asking for trouble. Same if you leave it deployed while trying to ride a bike.

Yeah, I know, picking the dog up and putting it back out is extra steps, inconvenient—but it is also comparatively safe.