Companion on PC hit “G” key!

Okay, I feel like I’m out of the loop–as anyone else discovered that in the PC version; when your companion is out, if you hit “G” while you’re looking at a target; he attacks that target! If you look at a spot other than a robot and press “G”; he goes to that spot. If you hit “G” near you, he follows. A yellow icon shows up where you aim and hit “G”.

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That was part of the last update.

Thanks! Anybody know how the command works on consoles?

Short press on L1 (playstation).
The button where you open the emotes wheel.

Thank you for sharing that info. I read about it in the morning, went to work and forgot all about the new “commands” so have not even tried it yet.

Does it work on gun turrets when attacking the bases? I deploy my runner to help destroy the machines leaving me free to destroy the base rapidly. Those two commands would also come in handy when stalking a lone machine. Position the runner so it becomes a distraction and first strike.

Thanks for the info!