COMPETITION: Threads to Die For

Time for another crack at winning a fancy T-shirt folks! This time we are asking for you to show us your “Threads to Die For”. Put on your fanciest Generation Zero clothing ensemble, snap a pic using Photo Mode/Screenshot, and share it with us on Discord, Facebook, Twitter or our forum (look for the official competition threads) and 3 winners will be picked to get some IRL clothing in the form of a Generation Zero T-shirt!

Note: In order to get a third-person in-game shot you can use an emote and then go into Photo Mode. Entries should not be manipulated with any form of editing software (Photoshop etc.), judging will in any case be mostly on your outfit, rather than photo skills. Good luck! Entries 12-15th July. Winners announced July 18th




you can’t really tell that the hair is pink but I still like it. I have my fanny pack to hold my adrenaline shots and my camera for taking pictures of the food people left behind.

Eyepatch rocker. Because the robot apocalypse is for pirates too!

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That wonderful moment, when even remembering to bring sunglasses for the occasion. …after finding the Swedish tactical nuke storage, and decide that 1989 would be a high enough number to end the calendar!

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Being badass and all that.

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Keepin’ it practical. Weather can be treacherous.

Getting my RickRoll on

And we have our winners! Some super-stylish entries I must say, winners will be posted below (each win a t-shirt), but over the next week or two I might share some others as “honorable mentions” for bragging rights. :wink:

Winners please send me a PM here on the forum or add me as a friend on Discord and provide your name, address, T-shirt size, and phone number (courier may require the number for delivery). All details will of course be destroyed once prizes are sent.

Thanks all for taking part and stay tuned for another competition VERY soon!


Queerthulu @Discord

Pufty @Discord

Pig_Mac @forum


I missed the competition, but i’ll just leave these here.



Professional Russian Squatter