Constant crashing

I bought this game yesterday and within 2 hours of “playing” I had around 30+ crashes. It keeps crashing within 5 minutes, sometimes it even takes only 20 seconds of “playing”.
My two friends who bought it at the same time to play with me also have random crashes, but not as often. They got Windows 10, I got Windows 7.

My specs:
Win7 64bit
W3550 @ 3,07 GHz
GTX 1060 6GB

In it’s current state this game is completely unplayable.

Your point doesn’t make very much sense because as I wrote in my original posting:
“My two friends who bought it at the same time to play with me also have random crashes, but not as often. They got Windows 10, I got Windows 7.”

It doesn’t matter if Windows 7 is reaching it’s end of life in support at all. Because this game also does not work under Windows 10 with a “fully updated system”.

Game crashes all the time:
Running around? Crash.
Opening a backpack? Crash.
Shooting? Crash.
Doing nothing? Crash.

Devs have already received 20+ crash reports from me with all data. No solution or even response in sight.

Having same problem… Windows 10

There are a couple of things you can try. Typical steps include:

  • Run the game in borderless or windowed mode
  • Use nVidia control panel to force vsync
  • turn of dynamic resolution changes (or perhaps toggle it)

Some people reported that it’s more stable on higher graphics settings than lower ones.

I’ve been there with the frequent crashing (win7, 1050ti). I can’t promise it’ll get better, but some jiggling around in settings will probably help.

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just to frustrate you - sounds nice, helped in other games…but not here. seems to run more stable in higher graphics settings, can confirm that. but still crashes randomly. CODE ERRORS, only explanation