There is a Resistance with experienced members who sure could put some new gears together and call it Swedish Robot Resistance Army ™ weapons. Surely many of the survivors experimented with gadgets since FOA and military equipment and thus knowledge seems to be common in every home.
Basically I’m pointing out that no civil defence weapons have been developed and that is odd. It would make a good point to get schematics to construct (or just find) hombrewed defence equipment.
Some ideas:
- Cattle prod (electric rod) baseball bat combo. Do a combo with a pitch fork to reach longer.
- Chicken wire fences around buildings could be made electric or a roll of wire from inventory could be layed out on the ground connected to car battery acting as a EMP-zone.
- Shapnel granades of different styles. Throwing a pipe bomb with shrapnel and sticky flare would lure runners close and strip armor in the explosion when the flare goes out. And any players near it.
- Bullhorn (police equipment or loot a horn/siren from car) with a timer acting as a lure. Surround it with electric fence and you got a killbox for runners.
- Electrified chainsaw. Those robots jumping and slashing you would finally have a match in one-to-one compat. Equip shotgun in one hand and chainsaw in the other and you unlock the 1981 Evil Dead VHS-tape collectible.
Beside from the last one thare are may things a Swedish Robot Resistance Army could construct.
(Evil Dead on VHS from 1981 was banned in Sweden.)