Corrupt or lost save file

I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug or game issue, or a me issue specifically. Yesterday I was playing in a multiplayer game with a random and he and I were killing a small group of machines. I had switch to 7.62 shock ammo and before I could finish mag dumping on the tank, my game crashed. After my game had crashed, I restarted my Xbox just to see if that would help prevent further crashes but when I had logged back on my Xbox was telling me to sign into the profile that purchased the game (I was already on said profile). After struggling to get my Xbox to recognize my account I had finally loaded generation zero back up yet all of my progress was lost. My main character, my mule, all my challenges and statistics, my worlds, all the way down to my saved data was gone. My only option was to start a new game. Has anyone else ever had this issue or am I just extremely unlucky?

Sounds like safedata corruption.
Do you have a backup (in a cloud or somewhere else)?

Most likely not. Figured Xbox is supposed to save the data to the cloud since every other game backs up the data automatically. Kinda my own fault because I never expected a corrupt file from a console