If one drives the PC in the energy saving or sleep mode, the network connection will be disconnected! Actually yes no problem, when GZ not would then always crash, with the message that the Internet connection is gone (just so similar)
Are you playing the Steam or Xbox gamepass Version?
Does the game really crash or are you just kicked out of a multiplayer session back to main menu?
Playing on Steam
Game really crash
The error:
Ok, Steam is quit and therefore the game, too.
Didn’t already know, that this happens, as I’m playing on PS5.
In PS5 you cannot use stand-by-mode with GZ, too, or at least it’s very risky to lose data.
It’s an online-game. That’s usual If you suddenly lose connection to internet.
I had that for a while at the beginning, but now all I see is an internal game window that tells me that the connection has been lost and that it is no longer possible to synchronize.
The fact is, it should be fixed! It extremely fu*** off to have to restart the game after every standby! Not even starting from the progress loss
Quit the game and shut down the pc normally, then everything is fine.
It is hard to say if this is a steam issue, game issue or your computer issue. Steam will disconnect games from time to time in a very erratic way, so you would need to post on steam your issues. To rule steam out and you are playing only solo, play Gen Zero in offline mode, that rules out steam.
If your set your computer in stand by mode, maybe increase the time before it goes into stand by mode. And Not to many can help solve your issue without more detail as to what is going on like what is your computer specs.
Stating your game crashes when you lose internet connection isn’t much to go on. If your computer is having a software conflict while playing a game that demands a lot from your system then you may want to take the issue up with your software company or the computer manufacturer.