Curious question

This probably isn’t a wise decision but I was wondering if anything happens if you attempt to shoot the human npcs in alpine unrest


I’ve no idea. @TherotcoD is our science guy, get him on the case :smile:


This i would normally have an adequate answer for , i have problem collecting the data since the wife banned me from island until hers is fixed , aye i got the blame for switching on her game while mine was downloading … - i promise to science the #### out of it when the red tape is cut :v::boom::goggles::lab_coat:


I Might Cut the tape me self in a while when i can here the snoring upstairs :zzz: . Shhh i don’t think she has seen this post , just gonna do some Recon ` i will be back :shushing_face:

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I started Half-Life Blue Shift, ages ago, and in the first few minutes one of the scientists tapped his foot at me in an irritating fashion, so I shot him in it. It kicked me out of the game and I had to start again.


Told the wife ’ i gotta do some science :lab_coat: ’ so here we are … I got in Hotel to meet the NPC’s :+1: , stange odd room there not numbered like the other doors and a kiddies 3 wheeler , looks like something out of a Film i watched with the ’ clean’ guy Jack hmmm ,’ ohh yes the NPc 's yep they are everything Proof nothing hurts them :boom: , i suppose they gotta be tough last ones standing an all… :joy: :+1: