Cutscenes would be really cool

throw me under the bus why don’t you

I didn’t say it was beyond them I simply said that it was unlikely for right now


Maybe opening and an end scene showing the story behind?
How all came to be, as I said before…, but at the end of the game, in the last part of the last mission?
Maybe a small recap of the story?

Clearly, throwing you under the bus is an opportunity not to be missed:smile:

We tried to resist the temptation, but failed. We are, after all, only human…

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Calm as a trivet, me. It’s an either/or. Let’s have the “or”…

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We’re mere speculating here, throwing possible ideas around… :wink:

It is up to the Dev team, in the end, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

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Yes, but no speculation necessary on our part - the DEVs have specifically said that they would rather use the resources on other things. I agree.

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Speculate on possibilities, I meant.
My bad.
Very good of you to point this out to me… :slight_smile:
Thank you

Look let’s try to avoid being toxic
I’m sorry I just don’t like being called out like that
I find it aggrivating and I feel your trying to make me out as a downer or something

I wasn’t. This is a public forum if you state something on here more than likely someone will weigh in on what you say. It wasn’t throwing you under the bus, my statement goes for anyone saying that this would be “too costly” or “too difficult” or anything along those lines (which equals the idea of cut scenes being beyond the team in some shape or another)
It’s not a matter of it being too expensive. It’s a matter of resource allocation, it’s not like lines of code equals dollars spent. It’s more so that cut scenes take a long time to perfect, and the dollars spent would be more so in line with the wages earned by the developers.
In which their efforts would be better spent on the things i had listed.