Day-night cycle

So every in-game hour is about 10 minutes.

1hr = 6hrs in-game
2hr = 12hrs in-game
4hr = One day in-game
Day - 10 hrs
Night/Rise/Set - 14 hrs

This is not even close to dark. It should be pitch black, but for game play reason. It has been left ridiculously bright. In Nordic countries, daylight time is reduced quickly on autumn. Depending of latitude where game is happening, daylight can be short as 6-8 hours. Rest is darkness.

Oh I meant dark as a dark tone. So you’re set in a creepy setting much longer. Sure night’s been made bright for gameplay reasons. We’d need much more lighting options if the game was made pitch black at nights, because just like Rust… People really have issue with not seeing in the dark.

Yeah, so I clocked the daytime too, just to make sure.
Also 2 hours exactly.

Day/night cycle is 2 + 2 realtime hours, confirmed.

In addition, just as the sun was setting, I fast travelled halfway across the map to see if that affected anything. It did not. The sun was in the exact same position after fast travelling.

Fast travel does not advance time.

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Did you time the dawn/dusk by chance?

@JayBowdy Scroll a few comments up. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Wait, earlier comment was dusk - dawn.
Last comment was dawn - dusk.
Both are the same.

I’ll gladly admit. I also had the impression that nights were longer than days… :thinking:

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In real time, dawn and dusk last about 70 min each. What I meant was during these times it is still darker than actual ‘day’ in-game and can add more time to the seems like “longer” nights scenario. Or is it just me?

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@JayBowdy Oh, now I understand what you meant.
No, I didn’t time the transition from full daylight to full darkness.

Twilight duration depends on how far away from the equator you are, because the sun sets/rises in a flatter angle closer to the poles. At 60 degrees latitude (Stockholm), twilight lasts for about 2,5 hours in real time. :slight_smile:

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Just meant in-game, but fun fact! :slight_smile:

yeah its always night time and it ugly