Dead zone and other stuff

There is no dead zone for console, at least not on PS4. As well as axel dead zone. The dead zone is needed, note that it doesn’t need to be a lot of dead zone just enough so I can rest my controller without is turning the camera or moving the map courser, but while I’m trying to snipe I can’t seem to steady my hand because of this issue. And axel dead zone is… the more you have of it the more it focuses on y axis/ x axis turns instead of how the game feels now. It’s just another thing with sniping for me, you could just give us that option in the settings menu instead of changing it yourself? I appreciate accessibility to the player as much as the next guy. If I think of anything else I’ll add it this forum. If you devs actually do read this then thanks I really do appreciate it when devs actually listen to the players.


And I almost forgot the radius detection that the enemies have is a little too much… I mean I understand they’re robots but it’s still a game. I even set my controller down while crouched and stepped away to go pee and came back and this hunter was still detecting me. Not sure if that’s a glitch or what but it takes away from the stealth when they’re super op at detecting you

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I also JUST noticed this. So I’m currently at the safe house at “Vassholmens skytteklubb” and I was testing the bullet drop (if there is any) and I noticed while having the marksman specialization active (removes weapon sway) the bullet did not hit the center. Which is, yes, where I was aiming lol. So that should be changed to the first shot always lands at the center of the crosshair because the whole point of the game is to survive and if I miss that shot that could’ve stopped all of these hunters and tanks unloading hell on my location then where’s the surviving in that? But aside from all of these glitches and some unbalanced gameplay, I’m actually enjoying the game and am excited for the 1.03
Update hopefully you guys add a storage for our stuff

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So the hunters and runners shouldn’t have rocket launchers since the aim assist is non existent, they move ever 2 seconds and launch a rocket that drops me from 100 to 9 then any other either hunter or runner charges up to shoot their assault rifle or melee attack that I cannot avoid. The runner melee I can avoid but the hunter melee is unfair and needs to be animation fixated on where the play WAS rather than lock on to the player entirely. And the ticks need to be nerfed too, they do a huge stacks of numbers to your health if the touch you in that one attack animation they have which is a little annoying considering they can cover sooo much distance. As well as being hard af to hit since the non existing aim assist doesn’t help.

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And the scopes have an issue. The 2x acog, while aiming down the sight the aiming sensitivity is as low as it can go, I think you guys did that on purpose with the more zoomed scopes so we have more control but it should do that on every scope. Just add a 1x/2x/3x/4x etc sensitivity option so you don’t have to fine tune all of that. Instead give us the option

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So I also think you should a difficulty option to the game and other options on that category that branch out to players that want more of a fun experience instead of pure challenge. I’d much rather enjoy the game that’s helping me to win instead of pushing me to try harder, but don’t change the whole game that way since your current fan base wants that challenge. Where as, I, do not.


Dead zone left stick ps4 very bad needs urgent attention i have four controllers and only the new pads are affected slightly by moving on its own and same on map screen , old pad 's are worse . Thats why in game settings could do with a dead zone option :sunglasses: . Nice one for pointing this out @SCR3AMOFORLIF3 and an excellent First post you did on here , i think most PS4 user’s would agree that this Fix we need for Dead Zone setting would help us alot as it has in other games , COME ON THE DEVS PLEASE HELP US STAY STILL WHILE TRYING TO HIDE IN THE BUSHES :rofl:

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The weapons are tiered so the better the weapon the better the gunplay should feel!

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Enemy health bars would be nice too