Destructible buildings 2

Awesome game guys. Seriously. In this game however it’s very easy to cheese it and hide in a building, the robots will forget you are there because they are constantly scanning where you are and you can popin and out and kill a whole platoon easy. It would be better if the robots could either shoot through walls or have the buildings destructible. If that poses too difficult then I think the robots need an unlimited supply of ticks that can flush us out of buildings and into the open. Destructible buildings would give more of a realistic feel to it and add to the survival of the game so that’s what I’m rooting for. Thanks!


This is a looter shooter not survival.

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Have you not been sniped by a hunter yet , they will target and hit you with gas and shoulder mounted gun, buildings are no longer 100% safe !

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This is NOT a looter shooter.

It’s an open world action survival game. You should read the store pages sometime.

Sniper rifles only do 70-85% damage to your health, unless they headshot, which is instakill. If you’re above that, you’ll survive, and buildings deflect 50% damage on average, unless you’re partially exposed. If you’re back from the wall and completely behind cover, you won’t take much/any damage from a sniper round.

Gas does 1% health a tick base, or every 3-10 ticks, depending on talents and if you wear a gas mask.

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You’ve obviously never had a tank morph his leg through a wall and step on you. lol!

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The problem with destructible buildings is how do you explain them being rebuild when you come back?

But I agree, houses and other indoor areas give the player too much advantage.

Unlimited ticks? Why not but I feel like ticks are not the best enemies to improve the overal gameplay experience.

As I suggested, maybe in some circumstances (a player taking cover inside a house), machines could call for support :
~ Flying carrier droping new enemies who could go inside buildings to kill the human presence. (new bipede machines? not the hunters)
~ Or a mobile unit who could launch several rockets to a designed location. The rockets would not destroy the building but their blast would force the player to get out of the building.

But then, player would need some way to prevent that by using some distraction… like the radios or flares.

But it seems flares etc don’t work as goog as they did before.

@DrakkonDarkspell call it what you want… but to me it’s no different than any other looter shooter. To me it doesn’t fall under “survival” at all. There’s no real survival aspects to the game. Other than health packs. Oh wait… looter shooters only have those too…

You’re arguing with the wrong person. Argue with Avalanche. Their marketing department classified their game. I’m just educating you on that fact. I don’t care what you call it. It’s an open world action survival game, because they say it is. I’m pretty sure they don’t care what you call it, either.

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I don’t really care to argue with anyone? Lol

No I haven’t lol. Honestly looking forward to it. My jaw will drop

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My comment had nothing to do with survival vs looter shooter… so I’m confused. I’d personally love a survival mode. I was just bringing the attention that it’s easy to cheese it and stay in a building while the machines forget where you are and stay outside. I was offering suggestions on how to fix that

I could go for what you proposed as fixes for this issue. Good thinking. The buildings could reappear after you leave the area for some time

That’s not what I experience.
They keep searching me, shoot (gas) grenades at the house which hurt me, call in reinforcements, start jump-attacks and sometimes suddenly stand right next to me in the house.

Houses are a death trap unless you have the armament to fight your way out.

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I agree with madchaser on this. I was stuck in this building once, and it was HORRIBLE. You see, I was surrounded by not one, but 3 FNIX tanks, 4 FNIX harvesters, 2 apocalypse harvesters, and naturally all I could do was shoot the infinite amount of hunters the harvesters spawned. Also, what was really annoying, was an apocalypse hunter decided to phase through the building and shoot at me, I had a tank step on me THROUGH the building, and I was repeatable gassed. The only way I survived was through a glitch that I am not willing to share because I don’t want the devs to know my glitch and fix it :sweat_smile:, but basically I do a thing, and the machines instantly stop attacking you, and whilst doing the thing you can only take damage from non machine things, for instance gas that they already shot at you, or fire :fire:

I would have loved to have seen that happen if we were in a party together. :rofl:

Had some really funny moments in this game!

I think you underestimate the programming effort it takes to create destructible objects - let alone buildings. :sunglasses:
Might not at all be worth it from a developer resource perspective.

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Or you can run really fast and manage to find cover, then break LOS and find different cover, rinse/repeat until the give up looking for you or you make it to a place you have tactical advantage. Yeah, machines can’t hurt you, for the most part, while you’re in a building, unless they rocket the outside, but they also won’t stop looking for you, and more machines will show up over time.

I decided to see how bad it could get at one point, and sat in a building with closed doors for 2 hours. I started with a tank, three hunters and 5 runners. After two hours I have three tanks, 2 harvesters, and I don’t want to think about how many hunters and runners. The seekers kept them scanning for me, looking for a way to kill me. South Coast was scary back then.

Good times. Good times.

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