Dev Console Or Cinematic Modes? - PC

Hey people. I am wondering if anyone knows of any way to get cinematic mode or dev commands please? One that will allow to move the camera as if flying with the hud off. Basically, to de-bug out of the character for a few moments.

I am looking to create a series on youtube, similar to that of Red Vs Blue just in the generation zero universe. With the trailers of the game, it shows cinematic views so there must be some way to get that.

I am on PC. Any help would be amazing.

There isn’t any way of doing that, unfortunately. You will have to get creative with the photo mode.

I’m moving this to Feedback/Feature Requests. I think it’s a good idea to increase options for the photo mode, for the sake of content creators. I also know that there are some really cool youtube content about GZ out there, so it’d be a shame to miss out on more publicity :smiley:

I think the devs helped Neebs and the gang with their project a bit, I could ask if @SR_Carni can do anything…

Heyo! Sadly we don’t offer those tools to just anyone as they are very powerful in what they can do with the game. There is no way for us to just give you freecam. We super appreciate the enthusiasm and you wanting to create content, though! I do think an enhanced camera mode would be super cool, so who knows, maybe we’ll get that one day :slight_smile:

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