Different ammo types - do you even care?

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and mostly when it comes to 7.62 ammo and .50, since that’s the ammo for my go to weapons. Does anyone even care what sort of ammo you use in your guns? Does anyone keep changing ammo type for different tasks?
Personally, I don’t, and I might be missing out due to it. For example, if I’m running around with the .50 cal sniper, I tend to use up all the ammo that’s currently equipped (be that armor piercing or full metal jacket), and then just load the other type while stocking up again. I can’t say I notice any difference, and it doesn’t change the way I play the game.

I would like to hear peoples opinions on this - thanks!


I’ve been wondering this very thing. I’m not sure I even understand the difference between the types really. Is there an effect?

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I didn’t notize any difference so far.

The ammo type has an effect depending on which part of machines you are shooting.

To my understanding, they rate as follows:

  • Soft/hollow point: Best against components (weapons, fuel cells etc.), worst against armor
  • Full metal jacket: Middle ground, good but not best against any target
  • Armor Piercing: Best against armor, worst against components

The most obvious example I’ve seen in game is with the Älgstudsare Hunting Rifle.
When you try to shoot the gun off hunters, you need 2 rounds with soft point ammo, but 3 rounds with FMJ ammo.
This is very consistent, and thus I use soft point ammo for shooting off weapons, and FMJ or AP ammo for just blasting robots.

When it comes to assault rifles and SMG’s I find that AP ammo is a little more rare than FMJ ammo. So I use FMJ ammo normally, but sometimes switch to AP if I need some more firepower against FNIX or Apoc targets. I also believe you can notice a difference if you shoot a tank in the head with FMJ vs. AP. There are more “blue sparks” if you use AP ammo, indicating that the AP ammo penetrates through the armor and gives more direct damage.
I didn’t run a test, but I’m pretty sure if you do, you’ll find that it takes less AP rounds to kill a armored target by shooting it directly compared to FMJ ammo.


I can subscribe to that basically, although I don’t perceive the difference as that large. That let’s me end up like the OP often.

I do feel sometimes, however, that the weapons of tanks are armored themselves, making AP effective here. Anyone else?

This is what I can confirm with runners, if I just hit them with an AR without aiming.

However, with the Exp PVG90, my experience is that the difference between AP and FMJ is very small.

I believe you’re right on this, since this basically functions a bit like a railgun, making all rounds AP-like. That’s how I understand it anyway.

Exactly. And since I am using that bad boy more often, lately, it can increase my perception that there is not a real difference in general.

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It’s a good question.

I use the same ammo as you do on my main right now, and I tend to save AP ammo for the tougher enemies. Once you face Military, FNIX and Apocalypse machines, you often need that extra punch that armor-piercing ammo has.

@ameinild makes a good point of it.

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I agree mostly with @ameinild , but with seekers and runners i do not really care because they go down easily whatever ammo you use with them.
The difference should be really small, but that is my view, i only change ammo types on purpose with targets with heavy health and armor (Rivals,Tanks and the new APO Hunters).

In my experience, AP packs a better punch but they can be pretty rare.

Really! So Magnus HP bullets is better for components? If that’s the case, I will use them more. Magnus is my go to weapon for Harvesters and such

I should believe so. Again, I think the best way to test is to see how many rounds to shoot the weapon off a hunter with different ammo types. That was really where I became aware it actually made a difference - I mean 3 vs. 2 rounds (for rifle) is 50% off in ammo usage (and time efficiency)! :+1::sunglasses:

It would be interesting if you tested how many Magnus rounds of each type to shoot the rocket pods off a harvester. Just make sure every shot hits for it to count! :sunglasses:

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If anyone here feels as if the different types of ammo don’t make a big enough of a difference, it can always be submitted in a feature request. :slight_smile:

I tend to use .50 AP for shooting through the Tanks legs to get those guns or critical parts off. Cannot do that with FMJ.

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While I kind of like the difference and depth things like different ammo types can bring to games, my general experience after playing a bunch of games that brings options like this, is that unified ammo may be the way to go for this game. I don’t really feel the need to have different tiers of ammo in a game like this - different tiers of weapons is good enough.
Sure, it adds a little flavor, but the difference in actual effect in game feels too small to be worth the programming time tbh.

It’s a different story for the grenade launcher, where EMP grenades has its own purpose compared to HEDP rounds (and devs, you might as well get rid of the useless Smoke grenades, tyvm).

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Overall, I could agree with you. I don’t think the game would be less enjoyable if there was only a single type of ammo for each weapon. You could say that the different ammo types makes the game a little bit more difficult, because of increased complexity in inventory management and less likely to get the ammo you collect. It also adds a bit of extra micro-management to inventory, that some players might enjoy, and others might dislike.
This should be weighed against the advantage of having specialized ammo, but in the long run I’d say the difference is probably negligible.

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Oi! Smoke is great! Leave me the smoke rounds. :smiley::thought_balloon:

Smoke rounds doesn’t do a crap for me. Unless, someone tell me otherwise but it’s very difficult to see and try to aim to the machines even far away.

I mainly used 7.62 mm FMJ Ammo (AG4), .50 BMG AP Ammo (PVG 90) for FNIX, and Blue/Yellow Hunters, Tanks, and Harvesters.

Ticks and Runners is for Kipst.

I have SAW gun from DlC but the ammo for SAW is rare and hard to come by.

Smoke rounds are probably more for co-op. Smoke is used for shields, it creates a temporary wall that machines won’t fire through. You can see through it fine with IR. Grenades are great for personal use, but the smoke RPG rounds would be easier to deploy for team mates if you’re spread out.
One thing I haven’t tried is shooting it at my own feet to see if I can hide in it.

I am having a totally different with the game and ammo. I am playing on a XBOX One. Recently my grandson wanted to play online with me using my console. We created a profile for him (login id, email account, paid for XBOX live) but still could not get him into my session probably because we were on the same console. Now to the ammo discussion. I mainly use the 7.62, sub machine ammo and the .50 caliber. BUT because of the issue above for some idiot reasoning I am now spawning more ammo for the Moller. I haven’t used this gun since day one when I got the Klucke . When I tried to get my grandson I lost all my game play. I had completed the game and was ready to go to the Island. Now I am trying to play through all the bunkers again. No rivals are spawning now. But on a happier note I got to keep all my expertmential weapons so game play is going faster now :rofl:

Same here on xbox one. Getting lots of Meusser and Moller ammo. I’m not using either weapon. Guess I’m ok with that for now, long I can keep getting 7.62 for my 5* MKV 59. yippee!