Disable Auto Aim

This is seriously killing the game for me. I try to move left only for my aim to move right.

I line up a shot only to have a runner move across the screen and suddenly I’m aiming at a wall.

I’m running in a bunker and suddenly I’m staring at the floor because it locked into something on a lower floor.

I try to shot a tick but I can’t because the aim assist is locked onto a different tick and I can’t unstick the aim.

Nothing kills a game that relies on precision aiming like losing the ability to control where you aim.


We don’t have that on PCs (at least I think we don’t!), but you should be able to turn it off! Is it not a menu option like music?

Unfortunately no, there is no option to disable it. At the moment it is mandatory.

I don’t have any aim assist issues… I didn’t even think we had any tbh. xbox

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Agree with you to the utmost @Gaignun989 . It’s most noticeable when tracking Runners or Hunters that begin to strafe you or leap past you. The crosshair tends to stick to them as you rotate, but reduces your ability to aim at specific components or effectively lead shots. Don’t notice it so much at range because you’re initially fighting weapon and breathing sway.

I also believe what intensifies the frustration is that the sensitivity on gamepad between Camera and Aim isn’t quite optimized; the values don’t transition well when you leave aim and move the camera, then attempt to aim again.

Here’s to hoping they at least take a look at it again :grinning:


Haven’t noticed any assist on PS4. Maybe it came with August update. I have only tried the game a few minutes after the latest update. (To much lag and empty ammo boxes for clients so waiting for next update.)

I only notice it a few times it will auto aim on a down robot almost holding the aim. Or most time pull the aim. Never on a mobile enemy.
PS4 pro-heater unit lol.
It’s only done that a few times to me. A few weeks ago i was fighting 2 harvester. A dozen runners. And 1 tank in a town south end of the snow region off the coast. Heavily bogged the frames down and it did that slow enough to let me grasp it snapped to a prior down hunter.

Hopefully someone with some authority will see this topic and bring it to their attention.

Its just weird that it has no effect when aiming down the sights but any other time I can make my camera turn 90 degrees without touching the right stick.

I’m on Xbox and I’ve never had an aim assist issue. Tickers remain my most hated enemy, because they’re just so damn hard to hit, and I have on occasion wastes entire clips just trying to kill the little bastards. Although if there is an issue, I’m sure just adding the option to disable it would be a good solution.

Aim assist is on by default, in game. There is no option to toggle it on or off.

While some players may welcome aim assist, it presents a notable disadvantage when dealing with strafing enemies, as the AA will slow down your rotation speed as you rotate to catch up with a strafing opponent.

It’s small, but has resulted in many a death. Further options to toggle aim assist, hud, rebind controls on console, etc would all be welcomed with open arms.


Aim assist is something i have never understood why it is implemented on the newer consoles in the first place. Are the console controllers really that inaccurate that game devs have to give players more of an edge?

Note: i don’t have any consoles (i’m PC player) and only console i ever had long time ago was NES.

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Some players like it, but I personally don’t. More often than not, aim assist will be counterproductive for me, pushing my sight away from the designated target, or causing me improperly aim in other ways.

Again, some players like it, so I believe that a toggle option would be beneficial.

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Please do something about the aim assist, the hit box is 0.5m from the target and it stucks there. Fix the hit box or make optional. 2nd, the aim speed while using scopes are ridiculous slow, red dot needs to be faster atleast. Thanks!

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Merged several topics where there have been request to disable aim assist, so that all such requests would be in one, neat topic.


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I hope Aim Assist at least gets a toggle option, I am on PC and use controller (yes I know I’m weird) but I have left games due to aim assist. I always hate that weird feeling like someones grabbing my face and aiming at things when I’m scoped in or strafing. I’ve had connection issues placing Hunters in front of me that were invincible and non responsive that the host couldn’t see and Aim Assist would latch onto them despite them not being a destructible target.

According to the original patch notes, the PC version should have auto aim toggle on / off

Im playing on xbox one, had no problem with targeting dead enemies but i do have a problem with aim assist. Or more like anti aim. Gottta stick to iron sights as any scope would just slow down aim speed everytime i look at an enemy. Especially annoying when i try to lead my target just so everytime my crosshair catches up to them it slows down making me unable to hit moving targets… This is overwhelmingly annoying. Almost makes me want to stop playing everytime i equip a 2x scope… Please for the love of god can we get the option to disable aim assist for good? I never liked it but this game made me actually hate it. Its kinda gamebreaking… Cheers!


I’d hardly call it “giving us an edge”. Its more of a hindrance. Can’t lead your targets at close to mid range. Trying to target specific components on tanks and harvesters can be annoying at times, as it tries to pull the cross hair towards the center of the machine randomly. It can be quiet aggravating.

On PS4, hasn’t changed since I first played in 2019


@Aesyle Aim assist is something that is only necessary (or at least some think that) in competitive multiplayer modes.
And it´s been that way since the PS2/ Xbox era.
There is no need for aim assist in most games, unless in some games when playing at hardest difficulties.
In games like GZ, it´s actually counterproductive, having fast enemies like hunters and runners and not being able to shoot ahead of them, so it does not give us “an edge”, it just makes us waste more ammo than needed.
Most shooters have an option to toggle down aim assist, and it helps a lot allowing us to shoot to the position where the enemy will be in seconds.
The controllers have improved a lot and i would say unless you own an expensive mouse, they are better or equal than most cheap mouses (under 30 euro with no discount in effect) in terms of accuracy.

I would say that maybe because the game has a strong co op vibe, the devs might think many users are 12 year old kids and need aim assist, and in fact there are always many kids playing this type of games, although they are directed to more matured audiences.
I remember when i was 10 i wanted to play 18+ games like GTA and Getaway :sweat_smile: .

edit: I know this is at least 1 year old, but it´s been resurrected by others…

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Thanks for explanation. :slightly_smiling_face:

When i was at that age, i didn’t need any aim assist. I learned the game normal way. Sure, some were hard but once i got hang of it, it felt great. :grin: Though, i get a feeling that kids nowadays are less capable of and need more “help” to play the games (aim assist, catch up, auto save etc). :thinking: